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[Archport] 4th Italian Virtual Heritage School: deadline 6th of May

Subject :   [Archport] 4th Italian Virtual Heritage School: deadline 6th of May
From :   Vera Moitinho <>
Date :   Mon, 5 May 2014 09:16:02 +0300

Dear colleagues,

I'm pleased to announce that the 4th Virtual Heritage School and 6th Virtual Archaeological Summer School will be held this year in the astonishing location of the Temples Valley in Agrigento (Sicily), from the 14th until the 26th of July.
In two weeks, young carrier researchers and professionals will learn how to acquire and process 3d digital datasets (hands on will be carried out directly in the archaeological park) and landscape data and to produce real time Virtual Reality application for on line use and on site museum installations.
The school is organised by Italian National Research Council (CNR ITABC and ISTI) and ( in cooperation with the Archaeological Park (Parco Valle dei Templi di Agrigento).
Only 20 applicants are selected through a competitive call. To best 10 students will be offered free accomodation.

deadline: 6th of May 2014

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