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[Archport] Fwd: Your Archaeology, Conservation & Heritage bulletin for October

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Subject :   [Archport] Fwd: Your Archaeology, Conservation & Heritage bulletin for October
From :   Olívia Figueiredo <>
Date :   Thu, 23 Oct 2014 11:40:32 +0100

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De: "Maney Publishing" <>

Data: Quarta-feira, 22 Outubro 2014, 05:49PM +01:00
Assunto: Your Archaeology, Conservation & Heritage bulletin for October

Find out how we're celebrating OA week...
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Maney is partaking in Open Access Week by offering 50% off article publication charges from 20th October until 31st December. If you are interested in submitting an open access paper to a Maney journal, visit the journal page and review the instructions for authors for more information.
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OA publishing in archaeology >
The following articles are open access...
The Second Phase of the Trypillia
Mega-Site Methodological Revolution: A New Research Agenda   by  J Chapman ,  M Y Videiko ,  D Hale , et al. The first  phase  of the  Trypillia   mega-sites’ methodological revolution began in 1971 with aerial photography, magnetic prospection, and archaeological excavations of huge settlements .  In this paper, the authors outline the main aspects of the  second   phase. 
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Advances in identifying archaeological traces of horn and other keratinous hard tissues , by  S  O'Connor ,  C Solazzo  and  M Collins . Despite being widely utilized in the production of cultural objects, keratinous hard tissues rarely survive in archaeological contexts unless factors combine to inhibit biodeterioration. This paper reviews the chemistry of keratin and past approaches to the identification of remains. 
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New conservation journals for 2015
AICCM Bulletin publishes on the conservation of cultural materials within Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.

Journal of Paper Conservation  is one of the leading international
peer-reviewed journals on paper conservation. 
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Submit your paper to PaleoAmerica
You can now submit online to  PaleoAmerica via Editorial Manager.

PaleoAmerica  disseminates new research results and ideas about early human dispersal and migrations, with a particular focus on the Americas.
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Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage
Now publishing 3 issues per year!

JADAH publishes on the  archaeology, history, material culture, and heritage dynamics concerning African descendant populations and cultures across the globe.
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Olívia Figueiredo

NAP - Núcleo de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia
Universidade do Algarve

Mensagem anterior por data: [Archport] Encontro "Investimento em I&D: presente e futuro" - 24 Outubro, 2014 - 18h00 - Lisboa, ISCTE-IUL Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] “Movember Conimbriga”
Mensagem anterior por assunto: Re: [Archport] Fwd: XIII Curso Livre de Estudos Sefarditas Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] Fw: E a Baixa Pombalina.