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[Archport] Workshop on Lusitanian Amphorae

To :   "archport" <>, "Arqueohisp" <>, "porras" <>
Subject :   [Archport] Workshop on Lusitanian Amphorae
From :   José d'Encarnação <>
Date :   Thu, 18 Dec 2014 12:44:41 -0000

In conjunction with its usual curriculum, the Howard Comfort FAAR ’29 Summer
School in Roman Pottery intends to hold a one-day workshop on Lusitanian
It is scheduled for 8 July 2015 and will be open also to outside
scholars. It will combine talks by specialists from Portugal and Spain with
practical work.

Archer Martin


From: Archer Martin []
Sent: martedì 11 novembre 2014 09:29
To: ''
Subject: RE: Howard Comfort FAAR '29 Summer School in Roman Pottery at the
American Academy in Rome

The Howard Comfort FAAR '29 Summer School in Roman Pottery at the American
Academy in Rome is accepting applications for its session to be held for
five weeks from 22 June to 24 July 2015. Potential candidates should be
aware that this program is now offered every two years and will be repeated
in 2017.

The program's aim is first to introduce the participants to the study of
Roman pottery and then for them to apply their knowledge under the guidance
of the director and the assistant in processing a ceramic assemblage, which
the participants may work up for publication.

It is assumed that the participants will have some grounding in classical
studies (and hopefully archaeology) but not specifically in pottery studies.
The program is directed toward graduate students, as well as advanced
undergraduates and practising archaeologists. The program is open to all
citizens of any country with a sufficient knowledge of English, which will
be the working language.

For further information: archer.martin@alice,it.

Archer Martin

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