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[Apdio] 2nd International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired,Computing, META’08 - Tunisia

•   To: apdio@lserv.ci.uc.pt
•   Subject: [Apdio] 2nd International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired,Computing, META’08 - Tunisia
•   From: "Jose F. Oliveira" <jfo@fe.up.pt>
•   Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 20:23:04 +0100

The 2nd International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired
Computing, META’08, will held in Hammamet in Tunisia on the October,
29-31th, 2008.

The Conference will be an exchange space thanks to the sessions of the
research works presentations and also will integrate tutorials and a
vocational training of metaheuristics and nature inspired computing.

The scope of the META’2008 conference includes, but is not limited to:
• Local search, tabu search, simulated annealing, VNS, ILS, …
• Evolutionary algorithms, swarm optimization, scatter search, …
• Emergent nature inspired algorithms: quantum computing,
artificial immune systems, bee colony, DNA computing, …
• Parallel algorithms and hybrid methods with metaheuristics,
machine learning, game theory, mathematical programming,
constraint programming, co-evolutionary, …
• Application to: logistics and transportation, telecommunications,
scheduling, data mining, engineering design, bioinformatics, …
• Theory of metaheuristics, landscape analysis, convergence,
problem difficulty, very large neighbourhoods, …
• Application to multi-objective optimization
• Application in dynamic optimization, problems with uncertainty, …

Submission papers
- Submission of papers should be in shape of an abstract of two pages
sent before the 15st May 2008 via the website.
- Selected papers will be published in international journals.
- Predefined styles are available on the website http://www.lifl.fr/META08
that we invite you to visit regularly and which evolves when the
organization progresses.

Invited sessions and tutorials: Deadline 15th May 2008. contact

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