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[APDIO] DSS 2010 - Doctoral Consortium - Second call for submissions

•   To: apdio <apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] DSS 2010 - Doctoral Consortium - Second call for submissions
•   From: Ana Respicio <respicio@di.fc.ul.pt>
•   Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 19:13:44 +0100

Caros colegas,

chamo a vossa atenção para este evento associado à conferência DSS 2010. É uma excelente oportunidade para alunos de doutoramento na área de DSS discutirem o seu trabalho com especialistas de mérito reconhecido internacionalmente.

Para os estudantes portugueses que participem apenas no Doctoral Consortium do DSS 2010 (sem participar na conferência principal) será cobrado um registo no valor de de 50 EUR, que inclui o acesso ao Consortium, almoço, coffe-breaks e os supplemental proceedings da conferência.

Grata pela vossa atenção,
Ana Respício
DSS 2010 Chair


DSS 2010 - 15th IFIP WG 8.3 International Conference on Decision Support Systems
"Bridging the socio-technical gap in DSS - Challenges for the next decade"
Doctoral Consortium
Hosted by Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
July 7, 2010
Call for submissions
The doctoral consortium at DSS 2010 Conference has been designed to bring together Ph.D. candidates and experienced academic researchers in order to facilitate focused and in-depths discussions. The consortium will cover areas relevant to doctoral research and best practice of international research training.
The consortium will be facilitated by the members of Steering Group for the DSS 2010 Conference. Participation is open and not limited to students who submitted their proposals for review.
Proposals / research papers presented at the DSS 2010 doctoral consortium will be part of the conference supplemental proceedings to be published electronically on a USB memory stick, as a publication of the University of Lisbon, with an ISSN number.
Target group and eligibility
Submissions to the PhD consortium are invited from PhD candidates conducting their research in decision support and related areas from any academic institution, which offers such program. PhD candidates interested in participating should have developed (and ideally defended) a proposal for their research, detailing a problem statement, research question and methodology. They should, however, not be so close to completion of their thesis that they can no longer benefit from the input at the consortium (typically before the last 6 months of their candidature). With the submission of the proposal a supporting letter/email from a supervisor or director of the Ph.D. programme is expected.
The core of the programme will be centred on the critical and constructive discussion of the PhD candidates’ research proposals. In particular research design, i.e. the linkage between an identified problem area, a research question and the appropriate methodology will be discussed. In order to facilitate in depths discussions of the PhD’s research and to provide some additional guidance, the expected overall number of participants has been limited to 30.
Moreover the consortium is also meant to provide additional input, such as
- talks by invited speakers about ongoing research and/ or methodological issues (different research traditions in IS and neighbouring disciplines);
- round table about practical considerations (publishing, job market, etc.);
- speed thesis presentations and competition;
- opportunities for networking.
Consortium committee
Frada Burstein, Monash University, Australia (Chair)
Dave Sammon, University College Cork, Ireland (Co-Chair)
Faculty (To be confirmed)
Frederic Adam, University College Cork, Ireland
Gloria Phillips-Wren, Loyola University Maryland, USA
April 11, 2010 -- Deadline for submissions of proposals by PhD candidates
May 1, 2010 -- Notification of acceptance
May 25, 2010 -- Updated proposals/ research papers expected for distribution before the consortium
July 7, 2010 -- Consortium
Location and costs
The consortium will be held at Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, building C6, room 6.2.50. A map will be available at DSS 2010 website under the option “Doctoral consortium”.
It is expected the PhD candidates will pay their own travel and accommodation (supported by their home schools). Costs for students will be approximately 365 EUR including accommodation and food [minimum of 45 EUR room/night with breakfast, lunch at the University will be offered to participants of the Doctoral consortium, minimum 10 EUR each dinner, and registration fee = 210 EUR].
Submissions by PhD candidates are sought which include
- a research proposal by PhD candidate (2000 - 3000 words): including motivation, research question, research design/ methodology,
- a statement by the supervisor or PhD programme director about the status of the PhD candidate and a recommendation that he or she will benefit from the consortium.
All of the above should be submitted via email to Professor Frada Burstein at Frada.Burstein@infotech.monash.edu.au by April 11, 2010. Prospective participants will be informed of the outcome by May 1, 2010.
Doctoral Consortium Template
The written submission should not exceed 3000 words, formatted as follows:  
- Times New Roman or equivalent font
- 11- or 12-point font
- Double-spaced (not 1.5)
- 1 inch margins all around
- 8.5 x 11 inch paper (or A4)
- Pages must be numbered
This limit does NOT include tables, figures, or references. Tables and figures can be embedded in the text. References should appear last.
Three appendices of no more than one page each may be added, at the discretion of the student and the person nominating her or him. (These appendices must also follow the formatting guidelines outlined above.)
Please visit http://dss2010.di.fc.ul.pt/index.php?title=Doc_Consortium for updated relevant information.
A very limited number of grants will be awarded to Doctoral Consortium participants.
More information at http://dss2010.di.fc.ul.pt/index.php?title=Grants
Ana Respício.

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     [APDIO] SeminárIO - dia 7 de Abril, às 13:30h
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     [APDIO] SeminárIO - dia 28 de Abril, às 13h
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     [APDIO] doctorate position at University of Lisbon
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     [Apdio] DSS 2010 extended deadline