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Bom dia,Na próxima 3ª feira, 8 de Junho, pelas 13h, o Professor Herbert Meyr da Universidade Técnica de Darmstad, Alemanha, fará uma apresentação no Auditório do INESC Porto intitulada "Simultaneous lotsizing and scheduling" (ver resumo abaixo).
Todos os interessados estão convidados a assistir. Cumprimentos, Ana Viana --------------------------------------------------------------------- Como chegar ao INESC Porto: http://www2.inescporto.pt/contactos ---------------------------------------------------------------------* Title: Simultaneous lotsizing and scheduling * Author: Herbert Meyr, Technical University of Darmstadt, Chair of
Production and Supply Chain Management * Date: Tuesday, 8th June 2010* Abstract:
Simultaneous lotsizing and scheduling (SLS) is necessary in situations where deterministic dynamic demand of several products has to be met on one or several parallel, capacitated productions lines, underlying sequence-dependent setup costs or setup times. Such prerequisites are, for example, often predominant in consumer goods industries with make-to-stock production. The talk gives a brief overview of mixed-integer-programming models for SLS, but mainly concentrates on the General Lotsizing and Scheduling Problem for Parallel production Lines (GLSPPL). After explaining the "traditional" heuristic approach of combining local search with dual reoptimization some recent extensions and enhancements are discussed which were necessary to tackle a real world case in health care production. It is shown how dual reoptimization can be adapted to respect time-varying production coefficients. Furthermore, a decomposition approach to solve larger-scale problems is sketched.
Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] SeminárIO - dia 27 de Maio, às 14:30h |
Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] Anúncio de bolsa de investigação |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [APDIO] Palestra Prof. Laurence Wolsey, INESC Porto, 3ª feira - 25 de Maio, 13h |
Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Apdio] Palestras do SEOOR - Centro ALGORITMI - UMinho (3ªf 09.03, 14h00) |