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•   To: <Apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] FW: ELAVIO 2012
•   From: "Delfim F. M. Torres" <delfim@ua.pt>
•   Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 17:25:57 -0000



From: EURO office [mailto:office@euro-online.org]
Sent: quinta-feira, 3 de Novembro de 2011 13:19
To: delfim@ua.pt
Subject: ELAVIO 2012



Dear Registered Member,


On behalf of Professor Elena Fernandez, EURO Vice-President of IFORS, please find herewith enclosed a Call for Candidates for the IFORS/EURO EXCHANGE OF YOUNG RESEARCHERS PROGRAM  XVI Latin American Summer School on Operations Research ELAVIO 2012 Vale dos Vinhedos, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil February 5-10, 2012



As the deadline for application is quite close 10 December 2011, may I ask you to make a special effort to disseminate these information among the members of your National OR Society in order to be able to submit a valuable candidate.


Thanking you in advance, I remain


Sincerely yours


Philippe Van Asbroeck




EURO Office

Université Libre de Bruxelles

SMG/EURO, CP 210/01

Boulevard du Triomphe

Campus Plaine, Bld. NO, level 3, room 2N3 116C

1050 Brussels, Belgium

Fax: +32 2 650 59 70






Attachment: ELAVIO_2012_CfC.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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     [APDIO] Anúncio de bolsa de investigação
Próxima mensagem por data:
     [APDIO] Assunto: Ciclo de Seminários do CEG-IST (seminário 22.11.2011)
Mensagem anterior por assunto:
     [APDIO] Fwd: XI Encontro Investigadores da Qualidade
Próxima mensagem por assunto:
     [APDIO] FW: ELAVIO 2022 -presencial