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[APDIO] Verolog Newsletter: Conference and Dissertation Prize 2014

•   To: <Apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] Verolog Newsletter: Conference and Dissertation Prize 2014
•   From: "A. Ismael F. Vaz" <aivaz@dps.uminho.pt>
•   Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 10:21:42 +0000

The EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization
Newsletter n. 1/13 October 2013
Table of Contents
1. VeRoLog 2014 Conference call for papers
2. VeRoLog Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2014
3. Special VeRoLog sessions at IFORS 2014
4. 2014 TSL workshop
1. VeRoLog  2014 Conference
VeRoLog 2014 - Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization 2014
The third meeting of the EURO working Group on Vehicle Routing and
Logistics Optimization (VeRoLog) will take place in Oslo, Norway from June
22 to 25, 2014. The conference is the regular meeting of the large
community of researchers and practitioners interested in Vehicle Routing
optimization and its relations with Logistics. The conference is open to
high quality methodological contributions and relevant, real-world
applications from the industry and services.
Oslo is the capital of Norway, but also a university city with more than
60.000 students. It was ranked number one in terms of quality of life
among European large cities in the European Cities of the Future 2012
report by fDi Magazine. Oslo has a rich cultural scene and plenty of
opportunities for recreation and outdoor life.
Keynote speakers (preliminary titles)
 - Claudia Archetti, Univ. Brescia: Matheuristics for Routing Problems
 - Romert Dekker, Erasmus School of Economics: Robustness in vehicle and
ship routing
Tutorial June 22 (preliminary title)
GPU programming and heterogeneous computing
Important Dates
Submission deadline:           February 1, 2014
Notification of Acceptance:    February 15, 2014
Early registration deadline:   April 30, 2014
Call for Papers available at www.verolog.eu
2. VeRoLog Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2014
The VeRoLog Doctoral Dissertation Prize (VeRoLog DDP) is awarded at each
VeRoLog annual conference. The purpose of the prize is to distinguish an
outstanding PhD thesis on Operational Research methods applied to the
Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization. It will be awarded for the
third time at the VeRoLog 2014 conference (Oslo, June 22 - 25, 2014). The
jury for 2014 award is chaired by Frederic Semet and includes Richard
Eglese and Stefan Irnich.
Deadline for candidate nominations is February 3, 2014.
See all details on VeRoLog site www.verolog.eu.
3. Special VeRoLog Stream at IFORS 2014
VeRoLog is organizing a stream on Vehicle Routing at the next IFORS
conference in Barcelona, july 13-18, 2014. The members interested in
organizing a session in this stream can contact Daniele Vigo
4. 2014 TSL workshop
2014 TSL Workshop on Handling uncertainty in planning logistics and
transportation systems
Hosted at Loyola University Chicago, 6/30/2014‐7/2/2014
full call for papers available  at www.verolog.eu

Mensagem anterior por data:
     [APDIO] LAGOS2013 - DAM Special Issue Reminder
Próxima mensagem por data:
     [APDIO] CLAIO Monterrey 2014
Mensagem anterior por assunto:
     [APDIO] VeRoLog Doctoral Dissertation Prize and other announcements
Próxima mensagem por assunto:
     [APDIO] VII RED-M Call for ABSTRACTS (at XVII CLAIO 2014)