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Please publicize. Sorry for multiple postings. ============================================================================ === Tenure-Track for Assistant Professor in Computer Science Faculty position at Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, Brazil ============================================================================ === The Institute of Computing invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at Assistant Professor level. A PhD in Computer Science or a related area is required. Applicants must demonstrate research potential and teaching ability. Oral and written exams can be performed in English or Portuguese. Application: Jan/13th/2014 thru Feb/11th/2014 Probable Date for the exams: May 2014 Contact: neuza@ic.unicamp.br Further information and application procedure at http://www.ic.unicamp.br/concurso-english Details of the selection process, salary and other issues can be found in the links (in Portuguese): Edital em: http://www.sg.unicamp.br/dca/concursos/abertos/concursos-para-professor-dout or/instituto-de-computacao Informações adicionais em: http://www.ic.unicamp.br/system/files/divulgacao_concurso_IC_Unicamp_2014_v2 _formatado.pdf About the Institute of Computing The Institute of Computing was the first in Brazil to offer an undergraduate course in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. Its Graduate Program (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) is among the top five in Brazil, and recently reached the highest level (7) in the yearly ranking produced by the Federal Agency CAPES. About Unicamp Unicamp, a Public University (University of State of São Paulo at Campinas), is one of the top Universities of Latin America, well known for its excellence in its Graduate and Undergraduate Programs. Unicamp has systematically appeared in the international ranking of universities among the top three in Brazil. About Campinas Campinas is one the most important technology centers in Brazil. Many high-tech industries are located in the region, such as: Honda, Toyota, Unilever, 3M do Brasil, Bosch, Bridgestone, Dell, IBM, BASF, Ericsson, General Electric, Texas Instruments, Ci&T, Motorola, Samsung, AmBev. In addition, the region has the highest concentration of Centers of Research and Development in Brazil, such as: CPqD, CTI, Eldorado, Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), Embrapa.
Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] IX JORNADAS DE MATEMÁTICA DISCRETA Y ALGORÍTMICA, Tarragona, España, 7-9 de julio |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Apdio] Teaching OR/MS | Stream in EURO 2010 in Lisbon |
Próxima mensagem por assunto: [APDIO] Tenure Track for Associate or Assistant Professor in Operations Research at Aalto University |