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< Anterior por data | < Anterior por assunto | MENSAGEM Nº 00583 de 1521 | Próxima por assunto > | Próxima por data > |
UTSA – The University of Texas at San Antonio COLLEGE of ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING The Department of Mechanical Engineering is recruiting students for Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering with Manufacturing Concentration in the following research areas: 1. Supply Chain / Logistics Modeling. 2. Metaheuristics to solve supply chain/manufacturing problems. 3. Quality Control and Reliability. 4. Applications in healthcare, sustainability, energy, transportation, and defense. To apply, please send your CV and a copy of all university transcripts to Dr. Castillo Krystel.Castillo@utsa.edu Web page: http://engineering.utsa.edu/~castillo/index.php You will join a dynamic research group at the Manufacturing Systems and Automation Lab. Financial assistantships are available with full tuition and competitive salaries. |
Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] Special sessions at the AMS-EMS-SPM Porto meeting |
Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] Curso de CPLEX - adiado |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [APDIO] PhD and PD positions on instantaneous treatment planning by deep learning |
Próxima mensagem por assunto: [APDIO] PhD Opportunities in Optimization and Operational Research at the University of Edinburgh |