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< Anterior por data | < Anterior por assunto | MENSAGEM Nº 00588 de 1043 | Próxima por assunto > | Próxima por data > |
SPECIAL ISSUE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITY AND RELIABILITY MANAGEMENT Quality and Supply Chain Management: integration challenges and impacts Paulo Sampaio, Maria Sameiro Carvalho, Ana Cristina Fernandes University of Minho, Systems and Production Department, Portugal Deadline for submissions: November 15, 2014 DESCRIPTION The growing competition, the globalization of the economies and the need to increase the competitiveness of the organizations through operational efficiency, promote new opportunities and challenges in the management of the entire supply chain. Thus, the supply chain management appears as an essential tool for competitive advantage in the market, since it allows to the development of the relationship between the market, the distribution network, the production process and activity purchase, offering to the customers a service of excellence at a low cost. Likewise, quality management is another concept that promotes the organizations competitiveness. As customers are becoming more demanding, they are increasingly looking for companies that meet or exceed their needs in terms of products and services. Thus, quality management influences the performance of companies and customer satisfaction, as well as other stakeholders. According to the related literature the relationship between supply chain management and quality management has not been enough analyzed. However, previous researches indicate that the relationship exists, and that, in general, it might contribute to the improvement of the organizational performance. Thus, we consider that, due to many similarities between these areas, an understanding of their integration can contribute for future research and new practices to the companies. The Special Issue Guest Editors cordially invite you to submit a paper. All the papers, both theoretic and practical applications, are welcome. Relevant topics include, but not limited to: - The new concept of Supply Chain Quality Management. - The importance of Quality and Supply Chain Management integration. - The impact of Quality and Supply Chain Management integration on companies’ performance. - Quality and Supply Chain integration critical success factors. - Quality and Supply Chain integration practical issues. - Quality and Supply Chain integration modelling. - Quality and Supply Chain integration challenges and hurdles. - Quality and Supply Chain integration empirical evidences. Submit a paper to the special issue Submissions to International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijqrm. Please submit your paper via ScholarOne and ensure to select the correct special issue. Full author guidelines can be found at: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/author_guidelines.htm?id=ijqrm#10 Guest Editors, Paulo Sampaio Maria Sameiro Carvalho Ana Cristina Fernandes University of Minho Systems and Production Department Portugal |
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