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New deadline: Due to several requests,
the submission deadline was extended to February 15, 2015
for papers Workshop
on Assessment
methodologies – energy, mobility and other real world
applications June 19,
2015 Coimbra,
Portugal Nowadays the use of assessment
methodologies is becoming increasingly important due not only
to concerns regarding better usage of limited resources but
also due to the need of justifying in a sound way the decision
making choices. The use of recognized assessment techniques is
actually mandatory in many situations, considering
environmental, social, economic and sustainability concerns. This workshop has as main objective to
bring together researchers working in this broad area of
project appraisal and impact assessment methodologies,
contributing to both theoretical and methodological advances.
During the workshop, researchers will be
invited to discuss assessment methodology applications to
energy, mobility as well as other real world applications.
Contributions regarding the development of new or the
improvement of known methodologies are also welcome. Workshop
Topics Participants are encouraged to submit their
contributions on all areas of assessment methodologies
including, but not limited, to the following: · Multicriteria
decision analysis · Life cycle
assessment · Multiobjective
optimization · Cost-benefit
analysis · Input-output
analysis · Capital budgeting · Real options
analysis · Risk and
uncertainty analysis · Environmental and
social impact assessment · Data Envelopment
Analysis Submissions Participants are
invited to submit an abstract or a full paper, that will be
peer reviewed. Papers and abstracts must be written in English. All accepted
papers will be published in a book by Imprensa da Universidade
de Coimbra. Registration
fee The registration fee is 25 €. The
registration fee includes lunch, coffee breaks and
documentation. Workshop Date
and Venue The workshop,
organized by Inesc-Coimbra, will be held in Coimbra, in the
ITeCons facilities, on the 19th June 2015. Important Dates
Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] [IO2015] XVII Portuguese OR Conference (07-09 September-2015, Portalegre, Portugal) |
Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] Boletim 51 da APDIO |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [APDIO] Workshop IO nas Empresas - 22/Outubro, Coimbra |
Próxima mensagem por assunto: [APDIO] Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO13) |