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[APDIO] [IO2015] SPRINGER Proceedings (indexing: Scopus, Scimago, GoogleScholar, …)

•   To: apdio@ci.uc.pt, apdio@civil.ist.utl.pt
•   Subject: [APDIO] [IO2015] SPRINGER Proceedings (indexing: Scopus, Scimago, GoogleScholar, …)
•   From: IO2015 Portalegre <io2015.ptg@gmail.com>
•   Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 20:11:44 +0000

[General info in FB: Articles Submission ]


Dear Colleague,


Considering our recent agreement with Springer Verlag concerning IO2015 proceedings, the information related with articles submission is thus updated (alterations in below, red color).


Hoping that such proceedings volume may better match the current prestige of Portuguese R&DI, we kindly renew the invitation for articles submission .



Articles: about 6-8 pages in English (!), using EasyChair and format-Springer for MS-Word.

Submission: until 08-March-2015 !!!

Acceptance information: until 03-May-2015 !!!

Final version: until 31-May-2015 for inclusion in IO2015 Proceedings.


Accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings (electronic version),
on a Springer Verlag series with regular indexing
(Scopus, Scimago, GoogleScholar, ….)
and eligible for ISI (Thomson Reuters) submission.


Abstracts guidelines will automatically apply
for non-accepted articles!


This information concerning articles submission
replaces the previous one!



Registration and Contacts

Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre
Gabinete de Relações Públicas e Cooperação
Susana Dias
Praça do Município
Apartado 84
7301 – 901 Portalegre, Portugal
Telefone – (+351) 245 301 500 / 245 301 545
Fax – (+351) 245 330 353


Mensagem anterior por data:
     [APDIO] EURO2015: Further Speaker Announcement and CfP
Próxima mensagem por data:
     [APDIO] [IO2015] Atas SPRINGER (index: Scopus, Scimago, GoogleScholar, …)
Mensagem anterior por assunto:
     [APDIO] [IO2015] Residência do IPP - The IPP Hall of Residence - Residencia de IPP
Próxima mensagem por assunto:
     [APDIO] [IO2015] Submissão de resumos: até 12 de Abril de 2015 !