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•   To: "'APDIO'" <apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] CALL FOR PAPERS - IEEE / IESM2015 Conference
•   From: "Susana Relvas" <susana.relvas@tecnico.ulisboa.pt>
•   Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 10:30:26 -0000


From: I4e2 Secretary Org [mailto:secretary@i4e2.org]
Sent: terça-feira, 17 de Fevereiro de 2015 15:59
To: i4e2 Office
Cc: framinan@us.es
Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS - IEEE / IESM2015 Conference
Importance: High



IESM2015 Conference - IEEE Section Spain -          ieee_spain_section

6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management 
October 21-23, 2015 - Seville, Spain.
Dear Colleague,
Please find below some details on the IESM2015 Conference.
=> Extra-deadline for sessions proposals only with agreement from Organizing Committee
=> The Deadline for submission of papers is March 15, 2015.
Full instructions are available at http://www.iesm15.org.
The submission site is available on EasyChair by using this link:
=> https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iesm15
Submitted papers may be attached to one of the proposed sessions or not. All papers will be peer-reviewed before to be accepted. 
Please feel free to further distribute this invitation also to possibly interested colleagues and students.
Thanks a lot in advance for your kind help.
Hoping to see you at Seville!
The Conference Chairs,
TRACK Interoperability, performance and resilience of railway transport systems
Chair: Simon Collart-Dutilleul, IFSTTAR, France
Co-Chair: Francesco Rotoli, Joint Research Centre of Seville (The European Commission's in-house science service), Spain
- Session paper
Realistic manufacturing scheduling
    Rubén Ruiz and Eva Vallada, Universitat Politècnica de València, (Spain);
Reliability and maintenance
    Daoud Aït-Kadi - Université Laval, Québec (Canada);
Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS)
    Nenad Mladenovic, University of Valenciennes (France), Emilio Carrizosa, University of Seville (Spain), Rita Macedo, University of Valenciennes.(France);
Healthcare Management and Engineering
    Fermin Mallor (Spain), Saïd Kharraja (France);
Supply chain dynamics
    Qinyun Li and Stephen Disney - Cardiff University (United Kingdom);
Applying lean in the non-Make-To-Stock sector: criticalities, solutions and applications
    Massimo Bertolini, Francesco Zammori, Giovanni Romagnoli (Italy);
Industrial Performance Evaluation and Decision-Aiding
    Vincent Clivillé and Lamia Berrah (France);
Scheduling under resources and temporal constraints
    Rachid Benmansour (France), Oliver Braun (Germany), Saïd Hanafi (France);
Sustainable Supply Chains and Logistics
    Hamid Allaoui (France), Gilles Goncalves (France)
- Regular paper

www.iesm15.org / contact@iesm15.org
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