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[APDIO] EURO Making an Impact (MAI)

•   To: "'APDIO'" <apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] EURO Making an Impact (MAI)
•   From: "Susana Relvas" <susana.relvas@tecnico.ulisboa.pt>
•   Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2016 12:25:02 +0100

-------- Original Message --------


EURO Making an Impact (MAI)


Thu, 28 Apr 2016 13:47:26 +0100


Sarah Fores <manager@euro-online.org>




Member Society Presidents & Reps (EURO) <societies@euro-online.org>


ruth kaufman <ruth.kaufman@btinternet.com>, Ines Marques <ines.marques@fc.ul.pt>


Dear Presidents and Representatives,



As the date for EURO2016 in Poznan draws closer, our plans for practitioner activities at the conference are firming up, and I am writing to ask for your help in publicising these to practitioners in your country, whether they are members of your Society, or contacts and clients of your members. By 'practitioner' we mean anybody whose main work is as a consultant, freelancer, or employed directly by a company or public sector organisation, to tackle their problems using OR or similar scientific approaches.

The most important and exciting event is the planned launch of a new European Practitioners' Network, to encourage and support the exchange of ideas and initiatives amongst practitioners across Europe. There will also be activities directly aimed at adding value for practitioners, including workshops on techniques such as System Dynamics and practical process challenges, case study presentations, academic-practitioner collaboration sessions, keynote talks from Mauricio Resende of Amazon and Gerrit Timmer of ORTec, one-to-one mentoring, exhibitions, visits and much more. More information is on the attached flier, or on the 'Making an Impact' web pages: http://www.euro2016.poznan.pl/making-an-impact/.

If anybody would like more information, or would like to contribute a hands-on workshop or get involved in other ways, please email mai@put.poznan.pl.

Do please share this information as widely as possible. The more we can engage practitioners through this initiative, the greater the benefit to our national and international communities, both practitioner and academic, and the greater the benefit to OR itself.

Many thanks

Ruth Kaufman and Ines Marques, co-chairs, 'Making an Impact - OR in practice' stream, EURO2016

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