-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: | ODS2017 Second CFP - Sorrento, 4-7 September, 2017 |
Date: | Mon, 13 Feb 2017 23:51:38 +0100 |
From: | ODS2017 - Int. Conf. Optimization and Decision Science <ods2017.airo@unina.it> |
ODS2017 - International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science
XLVII Annual Meeting of AIRO - Italian Operations Research Society
Hilton Conference Center, Sorrento, Italy
September 4-7, 2017
Dear colleague,
please find in attach the Second Call for Papers of ODS2017
International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science
Hilton Conference Center, September 4 7, 2017, Sorrento, Italy.
The Program and Organizing Committees, chaired by Antonio Sforza and Claudio Sterle, are preparing a high quality scientific program for the Conference.
We kindly ask you to widely disseminate it across the members of your operations research society, as well as among all colleagues interested in the conference topics.
We are convinced that ODS2017 will be a great event for the OR community to get together again in a beautiful place and a pleasant and friendly atmosphere, and your presence can give an important contribution to the success of the conference.
We really look forward to meeting you at ODS2017 to live together this event, enjoying it with friends and researchers from all over the world!
Antonio Sforza (Programme Committee Chair)
Claudio Sterle (Organizing Committe Chair)
- Daniel Bienstock - Columbia University, New York, USA
- Patrick De Causmaecker - University of Leuven, Belgio (EURO Sponsored plenary)
- Matteo Fischetti Università of Padova, Italy
Participants will have two ways of submission, a short paper or an abstract:
Short paper (6 8 pages, including front matter and references) - deadline March 3rd, 2017
Short papers will undergo a review process by anonymous referees.
Accepted papers will be included in a special volume of the Springer Conference Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (PROMS), indexed in main scientific databases (Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Google Scholar, etc.).
They have to be prepared in LaTeX or Word using the PROMS template and submitted via Springers Online Conference Service, OCS, (https://ocs.springer.com/prom/).
Abstract (min 1000 characters space included, max 1 page including front matters and references)- deadline April 15th, 2017
Abstracts to be included in the conference e-book of abstracts will be selected by ODS2017 Programme Committee.
They should be prepared using the ODS2017 Word template available on the conference website (www.airoconference.it/ods2017) and submitted via the on-line procedure activated on the same website.
No participant can present more than one contribution (short paper or abstract) at the Conference.
Session proposals are welcome and have to be sent to ods2017.airo@unina.it within February 26th. Proposals have to report:
Title of the session and first attempt title, authors, and kind (short paper or abstract) of each contribution.
Contributions of invited sessions will undergo the same review process of regular short paper and abstract.
Early registration opens: February 1st, 2017
Deadline for short paper submission: March 3rd, 2017
Deadline for abstract submission: April 15th, 2017
Contribution (short paper or abstract) acceptance notification: Within April 30th, 2017
Deadline for early registration: May 14th, 2017
Due date for camera-ready paper: May 31st, 2017
AIRO Member
- Regular: 380 EUR (early) - 450 EUR (late)
- Honorary member: 280 EUR (early) - 280 EUR (late)
- Graduates/PhD student/Post-Doc under 30 years: 200 EUR (early) - 250 EUR (late)
- Regular: 480 EUR (early) - 550 EUR (late)
- Graduates/PhD student/Post-Doc under 30 years: 250 EUR (early) - 300 EUR (late)
Early registration ends on May 14th, 2017
Registration Fees include: Participation to all sessions and access to the exhibition area; conference materials; publication of accepted papers in Springer PROMS; Participation in Welcome Cocktail, Coffee breaks, Social events and Social dinner.
The fee for the Accompanying persons is 75 EUR. It includes: Participation to Welcome Cocktail and Coffee breaks. The additional fee for the Social Dinner is 60 .
Sorrento has a great hospitality offer, but it is very crowded in the period of the Conference. All the participants are warmly invited to reserve their accommodation as soon as possible in order to find solutions at best rates. The reservation form for Hilton Hotel (venue of the conference) and for several accommodation options are available on conference website.
For other information please, visit the Conference website: www.airoconference.it/ods2017 or contact ods2017.airo@unina.it.