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[APDIO] LAGOS 2017 deadline extension until Friday the 31March

•   To: <apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] LAGOS 2017 deadline extension until Friday the 31March
•   From: "Susana Relvas" <susana.relvas@tecnico.ulisboa.pt>
•   Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 10:28:37 -0000

-------- Forwarded Message --------


[Alio] LAGOS 2017 deadline extension until Friday the 31March


Wed, 8 Mar 2017 13:27:57 -0300


Flavia Bonomo <flavia@bonomo.com.ar>




Due to many requests from our colleagues, we are pleased to extend the
deadline for abstract submission to LAGOS 2017 Symposium until Friday 31
Please, visit the web page of LAGOS 2017
https://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/Lagos2017/ for more information concerning
the dates.
Best regards,
The organizing Committee of Lagos 2017
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> LAGOS'17 - IX Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization
> Symposium
> CIRM, Marseille, France.
> September 11-15, 2017
> Web site :  https://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/Lagos2017/
> About the conference
> LAGOS'2017 edition will be special for two reasons: (I) we will
> celebrate the 150th anniversary of two of the most influential
> researchers, colleagues and friends, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter
> (UFRJ,Brazil) and Thomas Liebling (EPFL,Switzerland). (II) For this
> special edition, LAGOS Symposium will held in France, a Latin Country
> which has always collaborated with the development of the science in
> the Latin American countries. The previous editions were held in
> Fortaleza, Brazil (GRACO 2001), Santiago, Chile (LACGA 2004), Angra
> dos Reis, Brazil (GRACO 2005), Puerto Varas, Chile (LAGOS
> 2007),Gramado, Brazil (LAGOS 2009), Bariloche, Argentina (LAGOS 2011),
> Playa del Carmen, Mexico (LAGOS 2013), and Fortaleza, Brazil (LAGOS
> 2015). As in previous editions, the proceedings of the accepted papers
> will be published in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics and a
> special edition of Discrete Applied Mathematics will be devoted to
> selected full papers.
> Conference themes
> Themes include, but are not limited to, the following AMS
> classifications:
> Algorithms: analysis of algorithms; approximation algorithms;
> randomized algorithms; computational geometry.
> Operations Research and Mathematical Programming: combinatorial
> optimization; integer programming; polyhedral combinatorics;
> operations research and management science.
> Graph Theory: cliques, dominating and independent sets; coloring of
> graphs and hypergraphs; covering and packing, factorization, matching;
> digraphs, tournaments; graph algorithms; graphs and matrices;
> hypergraphs; perfect graphs; random graphs; structural
> characterization of types of graphs.
> Applications: mathematical programming, combinatorial optimization,
> continuous optimization, heuristics, and metaheuristics, applied to
> real-world problems.
> Invited Speakers
>      Maria Chudnovsky (Princeton, USA)
>      Christoph Dürr (LIP6, France)
>      Marcos Kiwi (UChile, Chile)
>      Monique Laurent (Tilburg & CWI, Netherlands)
>      Claudia Linhares-Sales (UFC, Brazil)
>      Martin Milanic (Koper, Slovenia)
>      Javier Peña (Carnegie-Mellon, USA)
>      Fabio Protti (UFF, Brazil)
>      Dieter Rautenbach (Ulm, Germany)
>      Martin Safe (UNS, Argentina)
>      Alexander Schrijver (CWI, Netherlands)
>      András Sebő (Grenoble, France)
> Important dates
>      Submission deadline: March 31, 2017 (23h59 GMT).
>      Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2017.
>      Registration opening: May 21, 2017.
>      Conference: September 11-15, 2017.
> LAGOS Steering Committee
>      Guilermo Durán (UBA, Argentina and UChile, Chile)
>      Celina Herrera de Figueiredo (UFRJ, Brazil)
> Scientific Committee
>      Liliana Alcón (UNLP, Argentina)
>      Frédérique Bassino (Paris 13, France) (co-chair)
>      Flavia Bonomo (UBA, Argentina) (co-chair)
>      Henning Bruhn-Fujimoto (Ulm, Germany)
>      Cid Caravalho de Souza (UNICAMP, Brazil)
>      Victor Chepoi (LIF Marseille, France)
>      Mitre Dourado (UFRJ, Brazil)
>      Cristina G. Fernandes (USP, Brazil)
>      Luciano Grippo (UNGS, Argentina)
>      Frédéric Havet (Nice, France)
>      Frédéric Maffray (G-Scop, France)
>      Javier Marenco (UNGS, Argentina)
>      Martín Matamala (Uchile, Chile)
>      Eduardo Moreno (U Adolfo-Ibáñez, Chile)
>      Graciela Nasini (UNR, Argentina)
>      Miguel Pizaña (UAM, Mexico)
>      Lionel Pournin (Paris 13, France) (co-chair)
>      Bernard Ries (Fribourg, Switzerland)
>      Gelasio Salazar (UASLP, Mexico)
>      Rudini Sampaio (UFC, Brazil)
>      Oliver Schaudt (Cologne, Germany)
>      Gautier Stauffer (G-Scop, France)
>      Maya Stein (UChile, Chile)
>      Nicolás Stier (Facebook, USA)
>      Mario Valencia-Pabon (Paris 13, France) (co-chair)
>      Juan Carlos Vera Lizcano (Tilburg, Netherlands) (co-chair)
>      Annegret Wagler (Clermont, France)
>      Luis Fernando Zuluaga (Lehigh, USA)
> Organizing Committee
>      Frédérique Bassino (Paris 13, France)
>      Flavia Bonomo (UBA, Argentina)
>      Lionel Pournin (Paris 13, France)
>      Mario Valencia-Pabon (Paris 13, France)
>      Juan Carlos Vera Lizcano (Tilburg, Netherlands)

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