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ODS2018 – International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science
XLVIII Annual Meeting of AIRO – Italian Operations Research Society
Hotel Villa Diodoro, Taormina, Italy
September 10-13, 2018
Apologies for multiple copies
Dear Colleague,
ODS2018, the international conference on Optimization and Decision Science, is organized by AIRO, Italian Operations Research Society, in cooperation with DMI (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) of the University of Catania.
It will be held at Hotel Villa Diodoro, September 10-13, 2018, in Taormina, Italy.
The scope of the conference is presenting ideas and experiences, sharing knowledge and creating a point of contact among researchers and practitioners from various sectors (applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, economics), private and public companies, industries and policy makers.
The theme is open in the wide field of optimization, decisions science and problem solving methods, and their application in industrial and territorial systems. Papers may address one or more of the topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Related topics are also acceptable.
All researchers, academics, practitioners and students working on the conference themes are invited to participate to ODS2018 submitting a short paper or an abstract, and organizing sessions.
Please find below and in attachment ODS2018 first announcement and Call for papers, and visit the conference website www.airoconference.it/ods2018 for further information.
We kindly ask you to widely disseminate it across the members of your operations research society, as well as among all colleagues interested in the conference topics, inviting them to send us an email to be included in ODS2018 mailing list.
We look forward to working with you to make ODS2018 a great success.
Patrizia Daniele (Program Committee Chair) daniele@dmi.unict.it
Laura Scrimali (Organizing Committee Chair) scrimali@dmi.unict.it
Participants have two different ways of submission. They can propose a short paper or an abstract:
- Short paper (6 – 8 pages, including front matter and references)
Short papers will undergo a review process by anonymous referees. Accepted papers will be included in a special volume of the AIRO Springer Series, which will be indexed in main scientific databases. They have to be prepared in LaTeX or Word using the Springer template and submitted via Springer’s Online Conference Service, OCS.
- Abstract (max 2000 characters, space included)
Abstracts will be selected by ODS2018 Program Committee to be included in the conference ebook of abstracts. They should be prepared using the ODS2018 LaTeX or Word templates which will be available on the conference website (www.airoconference.it/ods2018).
Session proposals are welcome and have to be sent to ods2018.airo@unict.it at the earliest convenience of the proponent, but in any case within January 31st.
Proposals have to report:
Title of the session and first attempt title, authors, and kind (short paper or abstract) of each contribution.
Information about post-conference special issues on indexed international journals will be given in the following announcements.
For deadlines and detailed information about the conference and the venue, please, visit the Conference website: www.airoconference.it/ods2018, or send an email to ods2018.airo@unict.it.