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[APDIO] Fwd: Ph.D. Position (f/m) in Business Analytics and Operations Research

•   To: apdio@ci.uc.pt, Cristina Lopes <cristinalopes@iscap.ipp.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] Fwd: Ph.D. Position (f/m) in Business Analytics and Operations Research
•   From: APDIO <apdio@civil.ist.utl.pt>
•   Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 13:46:19 +0100

-------- Mensagem reencaminhada --------
Assunto: Ph.D. Position (f/m) in Business Analytics and Operations Research
Data: Mon, 8 Oct 2018 14:38:49 +0200
De: Application <application.prod@bwl.uni-mannheim.de>
Para: apdio@civil.ist.utl.pt

Dear Sir or Madame,


We, the Chair of Production Management (http://stolletz.bwl.uni-mannheim.de/) in the Area Operations at the Business School of the University of Mannheim, are looking for several Ph.D. applicants.


Could you upload our job ad on your website or send it to the members of your mailing list/newsletter?


We are looking forward hearing from you.


Greetings from Mannheim

Katharina Senz

Katharina Senz

University of Mannheim | Business School | Chair of Production Management | Prof. Dr. Raik Stolletz

Schloss SO 230 | 68131 Mannheim | Germany | Phone +49 621 181-1578 | Fax +49 621 181-1579

Email: application.prod@bwl.uni-mannheim.de

Web: stolletz.bwl.uni-mannheim.de



Ph.D. Position (f/m) in

Business Analytics and Operations Research

The Chair of Production Management (http://stolletz.bwl.uni-mannheim.de/) in the Area Operations at the Business School of the University of Mannheim invites applications for a Ph.D. position. The starting date is flexible in 2019. The Chair’s research focuses on the development of methods in Business Analytics and Operations Research, specifically

·         Combinatorial or nonlinear optimization,

·         Performance analysis of queueing systems, or

·         Optimization of stochastic systems


with projects in airport operations, automotive production, maintenance scheduling, workforce planning, Industry 4.0, or management of distribution centers. Some projects are funded by industry partners, the European Union, or the German science foundation (DFG). Beside the work on a research project, the Ph.D. student supports the team in teaching and administration.


The ideal candidate has an excellent background in (Applied) Mathematics, Business Analytics, Operations Management, Operations Research, Management Science, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering or related fields. Individuals with exceptional skills in business analytics, especially in stochastic modeling or in optimization algorithms, are encouraged to apply. Candidates are expected to be fluent in English, German language skills are not required.


The University of Mannheim Business School is Germany’s premier business school and provides an outstanding international research environment. The chair actively supports collaborations within the international research community.


The University of Mannheim is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified women are therefore particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants with disabilities are treated with preference given comparable qualification.


Please send your application with the usual documents (letter of motivation, CV, overview of previous academic achievements, etc.) in written form or via email until November 22nd, 2018 to


University of Mannheim

Chair of Production Management

Prof. Dr. Raik Stolletz

68131 Mannheim

Phone: 0621 1811578

E-Mail: application.prod@bwl.uni-mannheim.de


Data protection: Please note that a breach of confidentiality and the unauthorized access by third parties cannot be excluded when transmitting an unencrypted email. Note on data protection: The submitted documents will be returned only if an envelope with sufficient postage is included. Otherwise they will be destroyed after the application process according to the requirements of the data protection law. Electronic applications will be deleted accordingly.

Attachment: PhD_11_2018_Englisch.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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