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-------- Mensagem reencaminhada --------
— Apologies for cross
posting — Dear colleagues, Enclosed please find the
last Call for Papers for the Metaheuristics International
Conference 2019 (http://mic2019.uniandes.edu.co
). The conference will take place in the beautiful Caribbean
city of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) from July 28 to July
31, 2019. Important dates: Submission deadline: February 11, 2019 (extended) Notification of
acceptance: March 18, 2019 Camera-ready papers:
April 30, 2019 Early registration due
date: April 30,2019 Submissions: S1) Extended abstracts
of work-in-progress of
maximum 3 pages S2) High-quality
manuscripts that have been recently
submitted or accepted in a journal (within the last
six months) Speakers: Andrea Lodi
(Polytechnique Montréal - CIRRELT) Michel Gendreau
(Polytechnique Montréal - CIRRELT) Thomas Stützle (Université libre de
Bruxelles - IRIDIA) Luciana Buriol (Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande do Sul) Christian Prins (Université de Technologie
de Troyes) José Fernando Oliveira (Universidade do
Porto) Website:
http://mic2019.uniandes.edu.co More details: please see
the attached pdf Best regards, Andrés Medaglia (on behalf of the
organizing committee) Organizing Committee: Andrés L. Medaglia - Universidad de los
Andes (Bogotá, Colombia)
Jorge E. Mendoza - HEC Montréal (Montréal,
Canada) Rubén Ruiz - Universitat Politècnica de
València (Valencia, Spain)
Juan G. Villegas - Universidad de Antioquia
(Medellín, Colombia) PS: Feel free to post
this CFP in other communities.-- Andrés
L. Medaglia, Ph.D. Profesor
para la Optimización y Probabilidad Aplicada – COPA
(Director) Departamento
de Ingeniería Industrial Universidad
de los Andes url:
http://wwwprof.uniandes.edu.co/~amedagli e-mail:
amedagli@uniandes.edu.co tel.:
+57(1)3394949x2880 |
Description: Adobe PDF document
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Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] Invitación a organizar una sesión - INFORMS ALIO International |
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