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Abstract submission deadline Extended to Friday, February 15 EURO 2019 in Dublin, Ireland 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 30th), June 23-26, 2019 www.euro2019dublin.com<http://www.euro2019dublin.com/> Last CALL FOR PAPERS ==================== As of the abstract submission deadline of February 8, we are delighted to have received over 2200 abstracts. However, we understand that there are further colleagues in the community who wish to contribute to EURO 2019. In order to give a chance to these "Late-Bird Submissions", we have decided to extend the abstract submission deadline by 1 week: to FEBRUARY 15? The Program and Organization Committees, chaired by Luis Gouveia and Seán McGarraghy, along with Cathal MacSwiney Brugha, are about to finalize a premium scientific program and a sparkling social program! In a nutshell: PLENARY, KEYNOTE & TUTORIAL SPEAKERS: ====================================== PLENARY Speakers: ---------------------------- Ulrike Reisach (Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Germany): "Artificial Intelligence - How Ethics and Governance Could Contain the Manipulation of Societies"; William Cook (Johns Hopkins University, USA; and University of Waterloo, Canada): "The Traveling Salesman Problem"; Dick den Hertog (Tilburg University, The Netherlands): "What every OR practitioner should know about Robust Optimization". TUTORIAL Speakers please find at https://www.euro2019dublin.com/tutorial-speakers. ---------------------------- Abstract submission system: http://www.euro-online.org/conf/euro30/. Abstracts: max. 1500 characters; please catch the extended deadline: February 15, 2019. SESSIONS ON GOVERNANCE ANALYTICS AND RENEWABLE ENERGY: ========================================================= Special Sessions on Governance Analytics and Renewable Energy will propose a new role for the conference, in the design of operationally feasible solutions for major projects, in this case to capture wind energy (mainly from the Atlantic) and heat energy (mainly from the south of Europe) and grid it across Europe. One of these exciting sessions will be a Forum. IMPORTANT DATES: ================= Abstracts: Abstract submission deadline Extended: Friday, February 15. Registration: Registration: open, Early registration deadline: Friday, March 8, 2019, Author registration deadline: Friday, March 22, 2019. REGISTRATION FEES: ================== Regular: EUR375.00 (early); EUR500.00 (late), Student/Retired: EUR180.00 (early); EUR240.00 (late), Accompanying persons: EUR90.00. Early registration ends 8 March 2019. The regular/student registration fee includes: Admission to all sessions and the exhibition; Conference materials (printed conference handbook with short programme; online access to a complete programme with abstracts; sponsor & exhibitor materials); Tea, coffee and lunches throughout the conference (for each day, you will receive a lunch coupon); Admission to the Welcome Reception on 23rd June 2019 at University College Dublin; Transfer ticket. FURTHER INFORMATION: ===================== Please visit the Conference webpage www.euro2019dublin.com<http://www.euro2019dublin.com/>. Until Friday: please use Your Last Chance to submit your precious abstract, Dublin is Calling! Looking forward to spend unforgettable conference days with You, Luis Gouveia, Seán McGarraghy and Cathal MacSwiney Brugha EURO 2019 CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT: c/o Abbey Conference & Events ================================== * Address: City Gate, 22 Bridge Street Lower, Dublin 8 * Phone: (+353) 1 648 6130 * Email: 2019EuroK@abbey.ie<mailto:2019EuroK@abbey.ie> * From Monday to Friday 9:00-17:30 (GMT)
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Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] IO2019 - Chamada à participação / Call for participation |
Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] INFORMS/ALIO International Meeting Cancun 2019: Call for Abstracts |
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