ODS2019 Second Call for Paper
Dear Colleague,
we are pleased to announce the Call for Paper of ODS 2019, the International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, organized by AIRO, Italian Operations Research Society, in cooperation with University of Genova.
ODS 2019 will be held at DIEC, September 4-7 2019, Genova, Italy. For further information about the conference please visit http://www.airoconference.it/ods2019/
Short Paper (8-10 pages, including front matter and references) within April 15, 2019.
Short papers will undergo a review process by anonymous referees. Accepted papers will be included in a Special Volume of the AIRO Springer Series, which will be indexed in main scientific databases.
Short papers have to be prepared using Latex/Word Springer templates and following the Springer guidelines, and submitted via Springer Online Conference Service, OCS that has been activated and available at the following link https://ocs.springer.com/ocs/home/ODS2019.
Abstract (maximum 2000 characters space included, max 1 page including front matter and references) within April 19, 2019.
Abstracts have to be prepared using the Abstract Word Template ODS2019 - Abstract Word Template or the Abstract LaTeX Template ODS2019 - Abstract LaTeX Template.
Abstract will be selected by the Program Committee to be included in the conference e-book of abstracts.
Session proposals are welcome and have to be sent to ods2019.airo@unige.it . Proposals have to report: Title of the session and title, authors, and kind (short paper or abstract) of each contribution.
Contributions of invited sessions will undergo the same review process of regular short paper and abstract.
Deadline for short paper submission: April 15, 2019
Deadline for abstract submission: April 19, 2019
Contribution (short paper or abstract) acceptance notification: Within May 15, 2019
Deadline for early registration: May 27, 2019
Due date for camera-ready paper: June 4, 2019
AIRO Member
- Regular: 380 € (early) - 450 € (late)
- Honorary member: 280 € (early) - 280 € (late)
- Graduates/PhD student/Post-Doc under 30 years: 200 € (early) - 250 € (late)
- Retired Professors: 200 € (early) – 450 € (late)
- Regular: 480 € (early) - 550 € (late)
- Graduates/PhD student/Post-Doc under 30 years: 250 € (early) - 300 € (late)
- Retired Professors: 250 € (early) – 550 € (late)
Registration Fees include: Participation to all sessions; Conference materials; Publication of accepted papers in Springer PROMS; Welcome Cocktail; Coffee breaks; Social events; Social dinner; AIRO annual fee for next year. The deadline for early registrations is May 16, 2018.
The fee for the Accompanying persons is 100 €.
For detailed information about the conference and the venue, please, visit the Conference website: http://www.airoconference.it/ods2019/.
For any further information please contact ods2019.airo@unige.it