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[APDIO] Call For Papers ICCL 2019

•   To: apdio@ci.uc.pt
•   Subject: [APDIO] Call For Papers ICCL 2019
•   From: APDIO <apdio@civil.ist.utl.pt>
•   Date: Wed, 15 May 2019 18:36:52 +0100

De: Alio <alio-bounces@dc.uba.ar> Em nome de Jairo Rafael Montoya Torres e
profesor Carlos Paternina,






Call for Papers

Submission deadline: June 15, 2019

Authors are kindly invited to submit their contributions in the area of logistics management, operations, control,
and information systems, relevant to all types of logistics activities and on any mode of transportation, with a
particular focus on practical cases providing insight and real-world experience.

Submissions are invited in one of the two following forms:

(a) Full papers for publication in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
(b) Abstracts for presentation only

All papers should be submitted electronically following the instructions on this page and by following this 

Full paper submissions

Full papers should have a length of at most 15 pages following the LNCS style files. For a paper to be included in this volume, it should be presented at the conference by one of the authors. The style files for LNCS submissions can be found here. This site contains all relevant style files for CS Proceedings and Multiauthor Volumes as well as the Springer copyright form. If you have any questions concerning the style files, please consult the corresponding technical instructions on the website. Additionally, we kindly ask you to have a look at the "Checklist of items to be sent to the volume editor". The authors are required to use the submission form available here to:

·  Upload the pdf file of the 15-page regular paper in LNCS style on the easychair platform.

·  Paste in the Abstract textbox a 1-page abstract (maximum 3000 characters, including spaces) to be included in the abstracts booklet which will be distributed during the conference. At most 4 references can be included. Mathematical formulas can be included in LaTeX notation.

Abstracts, presentation only

Submitted abstracts should not exceed one page (maximum 3000 characters, including spaces). At most 4 references can be included. Mathematical formulas can be included in LaTeX notation. Accepted Abstracts should be presented at the conference by one of the authors. To submit an abstract, please go here and paste the text in the abstract textbox of the submission form. Do not upload a pdf file of the abstract. Accepted abstracts will appear in the abstracts booklet which will be distributed during the conference.

A special issue of the International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management by Inderscience will be edited in Smart Port Logistics, from selected invited papers from the conference and from an open CFP.

Please note that a participant can present only one contribution (full paper or abstract).

Topics to be covered include (but are not limited to):

·  Facility (re-)layout decision problems

·  Routing problems

·  Emergency logistics

·  Reverse logistics

·  Crowd logistics

·  Freight transportation

·  Green supply chain

·  Metropolitan/city logistics

·  Smart Agro-Logistics

·  Uncertainty modelling in planning and control

·  Large-scale evolutionary optimization to logistics

·  Multi-agent system in logistics

·  Machine learning applications in supply chain

·  Internet of things on smart logistics

·  Applications of Blockchain

·  Last generation ICT networks

·  Port smart logistics

·  ICT for port governance

·  Computational issues in foreign trade supply chains

·  ICT systems for port communities



ICCL, 2019

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Universidad De La Sabana.



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     [APDIO] Projeto IMPACT-HTA: Call de interessados
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     [APDIO] Call for Papers for the Special Issue on Health Care Systems Engineering of the Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal
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     [APDIO] Call for papers ICCSA 2025: Computational Optimization and Applications