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[APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] ILS 2020 - Invitation

•   To: apdio@ci.uc.pt
•   Subject: [APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] ILS 2020 - Invitation
•   From: APDIO <apdio@civil.ist.utl.pt>
•   Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 15:03:39 +0100

-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : ILS 2020 - Invitation
Date : Sat, 28 Sep 2019 09:13:00 +0000
De : Diana Raulier <diana.raulier@outlook.com>

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to participate in the 8th edition of the International Conference on Information, Logistics and Supply Chain - ILS 2020 in Austin, Texas – April 22-24, 2020, by submitting a communication before Oct. 15, 2019.

A very exciting and stimulating program includes three prominent scholars:
• Prof. Sila Çetinkaya - Supply Chain Management, Inventory and Operations Management.
• Prof. Jose Holguin-Veras - Decision Support Systems, Operations Research and Transportation (logistics)
• Prof. Ou Tang - Supply Chain Risk Management, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Operations Management.
And three high profile executives:
▪ Ana Lucia Alonzo - VP Global Planning & Commercialization - Starbucks Coffee Company
▪ Jeff Langenfeld - SVP - Global Operations & Engineering - Ingram Micro
▪ Rafael Farromeque - Head of Infrastructure Integration & Logistics Practice - Development Bank of Latin America.

Several forums have been organized during the industrial day, April 23, 2019. Some of the topics include Logistics 4.0, High-tech Manufacturing through Block Chain, and Last mile delivery. Some of the industries participating include PepsiCo, HEB, Swisslog, Wayfair, Amazon and Geodis.

Many exciting Topic Sessions and Invited Sessions have been organized during the academic days, April 22 and April 24. Topic Sessions are in Information and Decision Systems for Supply Chain Management, E-supply Chain, Logistics Planning and Management, Logistics Sectors, Supply Chain Design, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain and Operations Analytics, Capabilities in the Supply Chain.
A sample of Invited Sessions include: Ecommerce and New Technologies Affecting Urban Freight and Logistics Operations, Coordinated byProf. Miguel Figliozzi – United States. Innovative technologies for Last-mile Logistics and Supply Chains – Coordinated byProf. Alexandra Lagorio -Italy. Logistics in Food Supply Chains – Coordinated byProf. João Gilberto Mendes dos Reis – Brazil. Data Analytics Applied to Supply Chain Management – Coordinated byProf. Evren Sahin – France.

We look forward to adding more manuscripts and invited sessions to the different subtopics listed under the Topic Sessions. The submission deadline isOct. 15, 2019. Topics and Subtopics are described and listed in the link http://www.ils2020conference.com/get_conference_topics.

Finally, we encourage PhD students to consider presenting their dissertation research.The best PhD Paper from the student competition will receive academic and monetary ($1000) recognition. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to interview with businesses endorsing ILS 2020 and searching for talent in supply chain and related areas.

We look forward to seeing you and sharing with you all these exciting academic and industrial programs inApril 21-24 during ILS 2020 in the beautiful city of Austin, Texas.

Cecilia Temponi - ILS 2020 - Organizing Chair.
Tahir Ekin, Gulgun Alpan & Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu ILS 2020 Scientific Committee Chairs
Ana Badell, Jesus Jimenez & Valerie Botta-Genoulaz - Industrial Committee Chairs

Secrétaire permanente des Comités de pilotage des
Conférences internationales GISEH et ILS
Permanent secretary of the International Conferences ILS and GISEH Advisory Committees http://www.ils2020conference.com / https://www.uphf.fr/evenements/giseh2020
Tel :00 33 631203746 - Mail :diana.raulier@outlook.com


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