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[APDIO] Call for papers: IFIP WG 8.3 2020 Conference ​on Decision Support

•   To: "apdio@ci.uc.pt" <apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] Call for papers: IFIP WG 8.3 2020 Conference ​on Decision Support
•   From: Ana Respicio <alrespicio@fc.ul.pt>
•   Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 13:17:21 +0000

The 20th Open Conference of the IFIP WG 8.3 on Decision Support 2020
June 24-26, 2020, Wroclaw, Poland
Web page: http://ifip2020dss.com

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the IFIP DS 2020 20th Open Conference of the IFIP WG 8.3 on Decision Support "Toward enhanced risk management shaping risk culture theory and making sound decisions under pressure". The conference will be held on 24-26 June 2020 in Wrocław, Poland. We are looking for experts in the field of decision making and support, particularly in the field of computer science, management and leadership, operations research, psychology, practitioners making decisions in uncertain conditions.

Faculty of Management, General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military University of Land Forces, Wrocław, Poland
Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland

The conference consists of a multidisciplinary platform of knowledge and practice exchange. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Decision-Making in Uncertainty and/or Danger Conditions
* Models of Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty
* Risk Management in Decision-Making Processes
* Decision Making for Sustainable Development
* Intelligent Decision Support in Risk Management
* Decisions Support for Business Continuity
* Determinants, Constraints and Situational-Organizational Factors in Decision-Making Processes
* Development of Technologies for Decision Support (Big Data, IoT, Data Analytics, BI, AI & Knowledge Discovery, Claud Computing, others)
* Cognitive and Motivational Biases in Decision Making
* Technical, Social and Personal Aspects of DSS
* Smart Decision Making
* Development of DSS Methodology (Architecture, Components, Integration, Software Tools)
* Social, Ethical and Moral Aspects of Decision Support
* Agents and Semantics in Risk Management and DSS
* Psychological Aspects of Decision-Making in Crisis Conditions
* Relevant Case Studies

* Deadline for submission: 15th December 2019
* Notification of acceptance: 15th February 2020
* Camera-ready copy due: 31th March 2020

* Claudia LOEBBECKE, University of Cologne, Germany
* Marcin PAPRZYCKI, Polish Academy of Science, Poland

WORKSHOP: Publishing in the Top journals of the Information Systems Discipline.

Workshop will be leaded by a team of great experts were some of them are Editors in Chief and Senior Editors of leading journals:

* Prof Frederic Adam, University College Cork Business School. Principal Investigator in the Financial Services Innovation Centre and one of the founders of the INFANT research centre at UCC. Chair of the IFIP working group 8.3 since 2010.

* Prof Claudia Loebbecke, University of Cologne, Germany. Honorary board member, Journal of Strategic Information Systems

* Prof Ravishankar Mayasandra-Nagaraja, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University, UK, Senior Editor, Information Systems Journal

* Dr Robert Gleasure, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, co-Editor in Chief, Journal of Decision Systems.

* Prof Gloria Phillips-Wren, Shellinger School of Business, Loyola University, Maryland, USA. Editor in Chief, Intelligent Decision Technologies - An International Journal

PHD CONSORTIUM: The doctoral consortium has been designed to bring together PhD candidates and experienced academics in order to facilitate focused and in-depth discussions around candidates’ research. Consortium will be leaded by our experts:

* Prof Dorota Kuchta, University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw Poland. She has led 5 research projects and supervised 15 PhD theses. She is the holder of two project management certificates: Certified Project Management Associate and PRINCE2 Foundation. She has large international experience, due to several years spent in various countries as PhD student, research worker and visiting Professor.

* Prof Arkady Zaslavsky, Distributed Systems & Security at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. He has supervised to completion more than 40 PhD students. He is a Senior Member of ACM, a Senior Member of IEEE Computer and Communication Societies. He is a technical leader of the EU Horizon-2020 project bIoTope – building IoT Open Innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects.

Intending participants in the 2020 Open Conference of the IFIP WG 8.3 are invited to make a submission for consideration for presentation at the conference and publication in its proceedings. Submissions must be original contributions that have not been previously published. All accepted submissions will be published in the proceedings, provided that the final version is received by the due date and the submission is formatted as specified on the conference website. Accepted submissions will be published where there is at least one author registered (to attend the conference) for each submission. We are looking for different types of publications:
* full academic research papers (10 pages) which will be presented in regular sessions,
* short "research in progress" academic research papers (5 pages) which will be presented in regular sessions,
* research/case studies posters which will be presented in special poster session,
* PhD abbreviated dissertation proposal which will be presented during PhD Consortium.

Submission and review process of the papers, posters and PhD proposals will be carried out via the conference website.

Publication of the IFIP DSS 2020 Conference Proceedings will be published by Taylor & Francis as a supplement of the Journal of Decision Systems, as was the case in previous events.

Following a tradition of the IFIP WG8.3 conferences, authors of best papers will be invited to prepare extended versions:
* to a special issue of Operations Research and Decisions (Thomson Reuters Master List, Emerging Sources Citation Index).
* as a chapter in a DS book which will be assembled during the conference and published by Taylor and Francis to represent the contribution of the 20th IFIP WG 8.3 meeting to DS research.

In connection to 20th anniversary of IFIP Working Group 8.3 on Decision Support we anticipate the award for the best article

Looking forward to seeing you in Wroclaw!

Ana Respício
Departamento de Informática
Universidade de Lisboa

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