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If you have already submitted an abstract for the IFORS 2020 conference, consider submitting another abstract to the OR and Analytics Education Area. You certainly have many very interesting teaching experiences. You should share them with us! REMINDER: an abstract to the OR and Analytics Education Area, may be submitted IN ADDITION to a paper in another area. Dear Colleagues We want to invite you to share your educational experiences and successes within the area "OR and Analytics Education” at the IFORS conference in Seoul on June 2020 (http://www.ifors2020.kr). The submission deadline is now January 31, 2020. The objective of this area is to engage everyone involved in OR and Analytics Education and to promote interactions and discussions during the very enthusiastic and vivid sessions, like the ones we had in previous EURO and IFORS conferences. Please follow the link: https://sites.google.com/g.uporto.pt/mac/rd/conference-committees/stream-organiser to see the presentations in this area in previous conferences. To submit an abstract, please go to https://www.euro-online.org/conf/ifors2020, use the session code: 4e4f0552, and upload a text of maximum 1500 characters including spaces. All the contributions are most welcome. Some ideas for topics are: - Use of OR/Analytics software in Education; - Use of Games in OR/Analytics Education; - OR/Analytics curricula in mathematics, engineering, and business programs; - Course design for student-centered learning; - Active learning methodologies in the classroom; - Outcomes-based course design; - Design online courses; - Handling big-data sets and problems in a classroom setting; - …. We look forward to seeing you in Seoul. Meanwhile, if you need our assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Maria Antónia Carravilla (mac@fe.up.pt) José Fernando Oliveira (jfo@fe.up.pt)
Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] Global Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Its Application Areas 2020 (GJCIE 2020) |
Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] OR in the Physical Internet at IFORS 2020 | Extension to deadline |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [APDIO] Area on OR and Analytics Education @ 22nd IFORS 2020 in Seoul |
Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Apdio] ASMAMOD |