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[APDIO] Doctoral and postdoctoral research at CEG-IST

•   To: <apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] Doctoral and postdoctoral research at CEG-IST
•   From: "Susana Relvas" <susana.relvas@tecnico.ulisboa.pt>
•   Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2020 16:19:48 -0000

Open search

The Center for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico (CEG-IST), University of Lisbon, is pursuing an open search for candidates wishing to pursue doctoral and postdoctoral research in the Center’ scientific areas of interest: https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/investigacao/ceg-ist/ver-post/open-search-221

Doctoral scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships (up to three years) are available for candidates with a strong Curriculum Vitae.

Potential candidates should send a “zip” file, until March 31st, 2020, to the following email addresses: figueira@tecnico.ulisboa.pt and cegist@tecnico.ulisboa.pt including the following items:

1. Curriculum Vitae.

2. Brief research plan (2 pages).

3. Contact (including e-mail addresses) of three professors, researchers, or professionals in the field who can be contacted for sending reference letters attesting the scientific qualities of the possible candidate.

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