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[APDIO] IFORS Global Webinar July 29 2020

•   To: apdio@ci.uc.pt
•   Subject: [APDIO] IFORS Global Webinar July 29 2020
•   From: Cristina Lopes <apdio.vp.communication@euro-online.org>
•   Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 22:44:13 +0100

IFORS has launched a Global Webinar Series in 2020. Speakers from each of the four IFORS regions will provide our worldwide community with updates on exciting new challenges, methodologies and solution approaches that impact their region and the world.

The first Global Webinar is organized by ALIO and will take place on July 29th at 2:00 p.m. GMT. Anyone interested can find information about the webinar on the IFORS website https://www.ifors.org/

or register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_q86SD-tTShSrxgPmjR26gQ

O.R. in Latin America:

From Theory to Practice

July 29, 2020 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. GMT(-3)


Grazia Speranza, Italy (IFORS President)

Guillermo Duran, Argentina (ALIO President)

Rosiane de Freitas, Brazil (VP IFORS-ALIO)


Register for this free webinar on the IFORS website:  www.ifors.org


Invited Speakers

Marcia Fampa
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ  Brazil

Parametric relaxation for the quadratic knapsack problem

Andres Medaglia
Universidad de los Andes – UNIANDES, Colombia

Level of traffic stress in Bogotá: towards a friendlier city for cyclists

Roger Rios 
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon – UANL, Mexico
A case study on the potential impact of a kidney exchange program in Mexico

Several times each year, IFORS will offer free webinars on topics of key
interest to those developing and applying Operational Research and
Analytics methodologies and models.


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     [APDIO] IFORS Global Webinar: Gender Diversity in the World, June 29
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     [APDIO] IFORS Global Webinar, OR in Africa, March 29