EUTOPIA-SIF Post-Doctoral Fellowship – Call for applications 2022/2023 - Deadline for applications in December 15, 2022
The EUTOPIA European University is pleased to inform you about the launch of the third call for applications of the MSCA COFUND “EUTOPIA Science and Innovation Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme EUTOPIA-SIF", for the recruitment of 24 post-doctoral fellows by the 6 partner universities*: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, CY Cergy Paris University, University of Gothenburg, University of Ljubljana, Pompeu Fabra University-Barcelona, The University of Warwick.
EUTOPIA-SIF fellowships offer the opportunity to high-profile young researchers to develop their own research projects in the stimulating academic environment of the EUTOPIA Alliance. Extensive research mobility is integral to the fellowships with two compulsory secondment periods: one at another EUTOPIA university (co-host university) and one with an external academic or non-academic partner institution with the aim of fostering the fellows’ entrepreneurial spirit, tangible research impact and innovation. Furthermore, fellows will access a rich training programme, career guidance and academic supervision. · The submission of full applications will open on 15 September 2022. · The submission of full applications will close on 15 December 2022 · An optional pre-application stage will be available to help candidates find a host research group from 15 September to 06 October 2022, 13:00 CET. · Positions will start in September 2023. Please visit the dedicated section on the EUTOPIA Website to find out more information about the call procedure and documents, academic and external partners, and much more!
*Although The EUTOPIA Alliance was recently expanded to encompass a total of 10 regionally and nationally distinct European universities, the EUTOPIA-SIF programme runs on a separate grant, only the 6 initial universities are eligible: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, CY Cergy Paris University, University of Gothenburg, University of Ljubljana, Pompeu Fabra University-Barcelona, The University of Warwick. The 4 new members of the Alliance are not eligible as host or co-host for the proposals. |