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Begin forwarded message:From: Diane Wilson <office@euro-online.org>Subject: Re: EURO Support for NATCOR BursariesDate: 1 December 2022 at 16:30:16 WETCc: Julia Bennell <VP2@euro-online.org>, Ana Póvoa <apovoa@tecnico.ulisboa.pt>, Diane Wilson <office@euro-online.org>Reply-To: office@euro-online.orgDear National Societies and EURO working groups,
Here is a reminder for the NATCOR courses. http://www.natcor.ac.uk/courses/The deadline for applications is December 20, 2022All information needed is in the email below.
On Tue, 4 Oct 2022 at 19:05, Diane Wilson <office@euro-online.org> wrote:Dear National Societies and EURO working groups,
I would be grateful if you could advertise the following Call for NATCOR bursaries to your members. We get great feedback from the students attending the NATCOR courses and we wish to support this important initiative.Please let me know if you have any questions.ThanksDianeEURO Support for NATCOR Bursaries
NATCOR (http://www.natcor.ac.uk/), a National Taught Course Centre in Operational Research, delivers taught courses to PhD students, from across Europe, on a number of different topics in OR.
EURO is advertising a competition for bursaries for courses run in 2023.
*Stochastic Modelling – Lancaster University, April
*Simulation – University of Southampton, July
*Combinatorial Optimisation – University of Southampton, September
The NATCOR course fees and accommodation (if applicable) will be funded by EURO for successful candidates.Typically, accommodation for any residential courses will be four nights bed and breakfast. If additional accommodation is required, candidates will need to arrange and pay for this. Also any extra costs incurred will need to be settled personally.Please also be reminded that successful candidates requiring visas will need to apply for these in good time.
Applicants must be PhD students, from one of the EURO member countries or studying in one of the EURO member
countries (see https://www.euro-online.org/web/pages/1457/current-member-societies).
Applicants must have good English Language skills as all NATCOR courses will be in English. Preference will be given to students in their first or second years but all are welcome to apply.
Preference will also be given to applicants who have not previously received support from EURO for NATCOR or other PhD schools.
To apply for a bursary, candidates from a EURO member society country, or studying in a EURO member society country, should submit a zip file containing the application form, their curriculum vitae (including their academic track record), a letter outlining their motivation to attend, and a letter of recommendation from their supervisor.Applicants should declare on their application if they are receiving any additional support from their PhD funding body or other sponsor.
Selection Process
The EURO VP2 selects and ranks (in the case of more than one accepted from the same country) the candidates. When accepting the candidates the VP2 should aim at a good distribution of the participants among the EURO member societies.
Current Call - Important Dates
Submit documents (see above) to https://www.euro-online.org/awards/natcor2023/registration.php
Deadline for applications: December 20, 2022
Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2023
Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional
E-mail: apdio.secretary@euro-online.org
URL: http://www.apdio.pt
Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] Fwd: Call for Papers: EURO Mini Conference: The III Sevilla MINLP Workshop March 2023. Abstract submission: (EXTENDED) to December 18, 2022 |
Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] Fwd: FW: Special Issue on Applications of Operations Research in the Public Sector |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [APDIO] Fwd: EURO Support for NATCOR Bursaries |
Próxima mensagem por assunto: [APDIO] Fwd: EURO WISDOM Forum - Survey on Participation in OR |