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[APDIO] Closing date approaching: Job opportunity at the University of Southampton

•   To: APDIO - lista <apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] Closing date approaching: Job opportunity at the University of Southampton
•   From: Maria Antónia Carravilla <mac@fe.up.pt>
•   Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 16:35:11 +0000

From: Christine Currie <000093fb3d303bc4-dmarc-request@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>
Subject: Closing date approaching: Job opportunity at the University of Southampton
Date: 24 May 2024 at 17:29:24 WEST
Reply-To: Christine Currie <Christine.Currie@SOTON.AC.UK>

The deadline for this position is approaching (Monday 03 June 2024). Please do share within your network if you know of anyone with a suitable background and interest in working in Operational Research at the University of Southampton, UK.

We are seeking an outstanding candidate for a Lectureship in Optimisation for Machine Learning and AI within the Operational Research Group in Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton. The appointment arises from a significant investment by the University of Southampton to support our ambitions to develop the interactions between Mathematical Sciences, AI, and Machine Learning and we welcome candidates who work on the boundaries between Operational Research and Statistics, Applied and/or Pure Mathematics. The successful candidate would join CORMSIS (Centre for Operational Research, Management Science and Information Systems at Southampton).

For more information please see the link below or for additional questions and a discussion of this post, potential applicants are welcome to contact Professor Christine Currie (christine.currie@soton.ac.uk), Professor Joerg Fliege (J.Fliege@southampton.ac.uk), or the Head of School, Professor Jacek Brodzki (j.brodzki@soton.ac.uk).
Many thanks,
Professor Christine Currie
Mathematical Sciences
University Of Southampton
SO17 1BJ
Phone: +44 (0)23 8059 3647
Find out more about CORMSIS one of the largest groups of operational researchers, management scientists and information systems experts in the UK

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