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[Archport] Congresso Internacional Uncertain Landscapes - Call for Papers - Extended deadline until May 15th

Subject :   [Archport] Congresso Internacional Uncertain Landscapes - Call for Papers - Extended deadline until May 15th
From :   Sílvia Maciel <>
Date :   Wed, 12 Apr 2023 10:04:01 +0100

Exmos, Exmas,

Gostaríamos de apelar à divulgação do Congresso Internacional "Uncertain Landscapes. Beyond Transdisciplinary Approaches"  organizado pelo centro de investigação Lab2PT da Universidade do Minho e que terá lugar em Guimarães, entre os dias 22 e 24 de Novembro 2023.  Neste congresso teremos como oradores convidados: Álvaro DominguesFrancesco CareriFelipe Criado-Boado, Paola Viganò, Cooking Sections and Irene Kopelman. 

Informamos da nova data para a submissão de comunicações que estará aberta até ao dia 15 de Maio 2023.

Para mais informações:

Com os melhores cumprimentos,


Dear colleagues

We would like to inform that the call for papers for the International Congress "Uncertain Landscapes. Beyond Transdisciplinary Approaches" organized by the Lab2PT research center of the University of Minho has a new extended deadline until 15th May 2023

The congress will take place in Guimarães, between the 22nd and 24th of November 2023 and will feature as keynote speakers:  Álvaro DominguesFrancesco CareriFelipe Criado-Boado, Paola Viganò, Cooking Sections and Irene Kopelman.

For more information, please check:

We hope this event is of interest to you and encourage you to submit your work and we ask, if you consider it appropriate, that you share it within your network.

With Kind Regards,

Organization Committee

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