We would like to invite you to our two-day multi-disciplinary conference on 'Celtic' religions and myths between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (notably in Britain and Ireland), studying, among others, the persistence (and transformation) of 'indigenous' religious ideas and practices during Late Antiquity, the sub-Roman period and into the Middle Ages. The conference will be held at Aberystwyth University on the 12th and 13th September 2024. 'Celtic Myths and Religions from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages' This two-day conference will focus on the development of religious ideas and cultures in the Celtic-speaking world in late Antiquity and into the Early Middle Ages (c.350-800 CE). The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for multi-disciplinary debate. By bringing together specialists in ancient and medieval history, Celtic studies, religious studies, archaeology and epigraphy, we hope that discussion will provide new insights on continuity and transformation in Celtic religions and mythologies, and interrogate established dichotomies such as Roman/Celtic, nativist/anti-nativist and 'pagan'/Christian. If you are interested in proposing a paper please send us the title and an abstract (each paper will be 20 minutes long, followed by 10 min. discussion): Ralph Haeussler: ralph.haussler-vf@winchester.ac.uk or Jonathan Wooding: jonathan.wooding@sydney.edu.au Thank you very much! We look forward to seeing you in Aberystwyth! Jonathan Wooding (Sydney University), ____ This 2-day event is part of a three-day conference entitled 'Cymru, Iwerddon ar Celtiaid / Wales, ireland and the Celts' _______ Annwyl bawb, 'Myth a Chrefydd Celtaidd o'r Henfyd Diweddar i'r Oesoedd Canol' 12-13 September 2024 | 12-13 Medi 2024 Bydd y gynhadledd ddeuddydd hon yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygiad syniadau a diwylliannau crefyddol yn y cenhedloedd Celtaidd eu hiaith yn yr Hen Gyfnod Diweddar a’r Oesoedd Canol Cynnar. Bwriad y gynhadledd yw darparu cyfle ar gyfer trafodaethau aml-ddisgyblaethol. Trwy ddod ag arbenigwyr ym meysydd hanes cynnar a chanoloeosol, astudiaethau Celtaidd, astudiaethau crefyddol, archeoleg ac arysgrifiaeth, gobeithiwn y cynigia’r drafodaeth olwg newydd ar barhad a thrawsnewid mewn crefydd a mytholeg Geltaidd, a chwestiynu deuoliaethau hirsefydlog megis paganaidd/Cristnogol, Rhufeinig/Celtaidd, a brodoriaethol/gwrth-frodoriaeth. Cynhelir y gynhadledd ar Gampws Prifysgol Aberystwyth. Gyrrwch gynigion papurau at: Ralph Häussler: ralph.haussler-vf@winchester.ac.uk neu Jonathan Wooding: jonathan.wooding@sydney.edu.au _____ Bwrsariaethau Ôl-raddedig Gwahoddir ceisiadau gan fyfyrwyr ôl-raddedig am fwrsariaethau i fynychu'r Gynhadledd Cymru Iwerddon. Bydd y bwrsariaethau’n talu ffioedd cofrestru a chyfraniad at y costau teithio. Dyfernir y bwrsariaethau yn ôl perthnasedd diddordebau ymchwil yr ymgeiswyr i themâu’r Gynhadledd. Os carech ffurflen gais neu am fanylion pellach cysylltwch â fass@aber.ac.uk Postgraduate Bursaries Postgraduate students are invited to apply for bursaries to attend the Wales Ireland Conference. The bursaries will cover conference registration fee and a contribution towards travel costs. The bursaries are awarded according to the relevance of the applicant's research interests to the Conference themes. If you would like to receive an application for or for further details please contact fass@aber.ac.uk --- |
Mensagem anterior por data: Re: [Archport] Listagens e inspeções regulares em todos os edifícios de interesse histórico | Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Organização e complexidade social no 3º milénio |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] Call for Applications: Structural Engineer | Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] Call for Papers - Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology |