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[Archport] CONCHA 1st International Conference: Peoples, Seaports and Frontiers: Living the Ocean

Subject :   [Archport] CONCHA 1st International Conference: Peoples, Seaports and Frontiers: Living the Ocean
From :   Tiago Silva <>
Date :   Thu, 7 Mar 2019 11:55:23 +0000

Estimados colegas,
Informo que estão abertas as inscrições, para comunicação e poster, no CONCHA 1st International Conference: Peoples, Seaports and Frontiers: Living the Oceanque se realiza em Barranquilha, Colombia, entre 10 e 12 de Julho. O encontro é uma organização do CHAM – FCSH - NOVA e da UniNorte no âmbito do projecto CONCHA - The construction of early modern global Cities and oceanic networks in the Atlantic: An approach via Ocean’s Cultural Heritage
O prazo termina a 25 de março. A inscrição pode ser efectuada para os seguintes e-mails:
Javier Rivera-Sandoval:
Juan Martin Rincon:

Para mais informações podem consultar:


Dear colleagues,

We inform that the Call for Papers for 1st International Conference: Peoples, Seaports and Frontiers: Living the Ocean, is open. The Conference will be held in Barranquilha, Colombia, between 10 and 12 July 20119. This meeting is an organization of the CHAM – Center for the Humanities of the NOVA Lisbon University and Universidad del Norte within the CONCHA project.

Deadline for submission is March 25. Abstracts can be sent to the following emails:

O prazo termina a 25 de março. A inscrição pode ser efectuada para os seguintes e-mails:

Javier Rivera-Sandoval:

Juan Martin Rincon:

More informations:

Melhores cumprimentos,

Tiago Silva

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