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serve este e-mail para lembrar que está aberto o período de submissão de resumos para o próximo congresso da EAA em Kiel.
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O projeto da Universidade do Minho COA/OVD/0097/2019: Repositório de Arte Rupestre de Acesso Aberto e o projeto de Arte Rupestre da Escócia estão a colaborar na organização da sessão # 503 do 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of
Archaeologists a realizar em 2021 em Kiel. O título da sessão é "Towards an Inclusive Future: A Strategy for Rock Art Research, Management and Social Value", onde se pretendem abordar temáticas com impacto na arte rupestre, como a acessibilidade aos dados
e ao conhecimento, alterações climáticas, mudanças rápidas no uso da terra e o papel das tecnologias digitais como método de registo, preservação e divulgação”.
Session: #503
Theme & Session Format
Theme:6. Material culture studies and societies
Session format:Discussion session (with formal abstracts)
Title & Content
Title:Towards an Inclusive Future: A Strategy for Rock Art Research, Management and Social Value
Content:Rock art is at the heart of passionate debates which often relate to identity, ancestry or political claims. The associated lore which survives in many countries demonstrates its active role in people’s ontologies until recent times. On the other
hand, only in the last three decades has rock art become the subject of more scientific approaches, and it still does not feature comfortably within wider historical and archaeological narratives. There is a dichotomy in the relationships with rock art between
heritage sector professionals and communities. In fact, in some cases, due to claims for preservation, local communities have been barred from accessing their local rock art.
In this session we will introduce UNESCO’s 5Cs’ – Credibility, Conservation, Capacity-building, Communication, Communities - to explore models of research, management, outreach and public engagement with rock art of various chronological and geographic
scopes. We are interested in hearing and discussing projects that have or are currently implementing inclusive strategies to research rock art whilst promoting community engagement and social value, in view of long-term safeguard, preservation and management.
We also welcome contributions that discuss contemporary issues that affect rock art on a daily basis such as restricting physical and knowledge accessibility, climate change, rapid changes to modern land use, and the role of digital recording techniques as
methods for preservation and outreach
Keywords:Rock Art, Research, Management, Community, Social Value, Inclusivity
Main organiser:Joana Valdez-Tullett (United Kingdom) 1
Co-organisers:Sofia Figueiredo (Portugal) 2
Tertia Barnett (United Kingdom) 1
Natália Botica (Portugal) 2
Affiliations:1. Historic Environment Scotland
2. University of Minho |
Mensagem anterior por data: [Archport] Debates, em Letras: As Humanidades e a Pandemia | Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Concurso Bolsa Pós-Doutoramento |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] EAA Budapest 2022 | Regular Session | Waterscapes | Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] EAA - The exchange of plants and food practices through the Neolithic period to Iron Age |