Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union-Invitation Conference -"Culture, Cohesion and Social Impact" - 5/6 May , Oporto, Portugal
Dear Ms. / Mr.
The Ministry of Culture, within the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), will hold a conference on the topic of “Culture, Cohesion and Social Impact”, which will take place on May 5 and 6, in a hybrid format, online and on the venue of the Serralves Foundation, in Porto.
This conference will focus on culture’s transformative potential and reveal its social impact as a powerful means to address complex social problems faced by contemporary societies. By bringing together cultural stakeholders, scholars, political and government representatives from across Europe, the purpose is to mobilize the EU to unlock the capabilities of culture to expand social cohesion and to identify the main challenges faced by those domains, by sharing experiences and best practices.
Hence, the Ministry of Culture has the pleasure to invite you to participate in this conference. We would also kindly ask you to promote the disclosure of the event to whomever you consider appropriate. To accomplish this, we kindly request an online registration procedure, available at the following link: Application form
Yours sincerely,
The Presidency Team
----- Fim de mensagem reenviada -----
Conference on Culture Cohesion and Social Impact - Programme.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
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