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[Archport] Aerial Archaeology Mapping Explorer

To :   "archport" <>, "porras" <>
Subject :   [Archport] Aerial Archaeology Mapping Explorer
From :   <>
Date :   Mon, 25 Oct 2021 20:28:42 +0100

Title: AWOL - The Ancient World Online


Aerial Archaeology Mapping Explorer

A screen shot of a GIS system displaying archaeological features around Hadrian's Wall mapped by aerial survey methods.

The Aerial Archaeology Mapping Explorer is a tool that displays archaeology that has been identified, mapped and recorded using aerial photographs and other aerial sources across England.

For the first time ever, Historic England has made the results of over 30 years of aerial photograph mapping projects freely available online. Use it to explore heritage from ancient settlements to secret Cold War military installations, or to see the complex archaeological landscapes of Hadrian’s Wall, Stonehenge and so much in between.

1.        Getting Started

2.       What you can see

3.       Explore the map

4.       How has the map been created?

5.       Inspired?





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