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[Archport] Fwd: [eventi_eehar] Constructing and Using Christian Buildings during Early Islam /24-26th November 2021 EEHAR CSIC Rome

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Subject :   [Archport] Fwd: [eventi_eehar] Constructing and Using Christian Buildings during Early Islam /24-26th November 2021 EEHAR CSIC Rome
From :   Carlos Jorge Gonçalves Soares Fabião <>
Date :   Wed, 17 Nov 2021 15:25:54 +0000

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De: Escuela EEHAR <>
Date: quarta, 17/11/2021 à(s) 10:49
Subject: [eventi_eehar] Constructing and Using Christian Buildings during Early Islam /24-26th November 2021 EEHAR CSIC Rome
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Rome  Conference  24– 26 November 2021


Constructing and Using Christian Buildings during  Early Islam:  Interconnected Approaches to the Church in the Mediterranean and the Middle East (7th-9th c.)

Organization: Simon PIERRE (Sorbonne Université/Ifpo) & M.ª Ángeles UTRERO AGUDO (EEHAR-CSIC)


This International Conference intends to  approach the constructions and uses of  religious Christian buildings in most of the  territories of the early Islamic empire (7th- 9th c.), from  Armenia and Iraq to Ifriqiya and al-Andalus. Archaeologists and historians are invited to present, compare and discuss their respective sources, methodologies and perspectives with the aim of nding possible consistent chronological and geographical trends and breaks.


This is a hybrid event (online and in-person) and will take place at the EEHAR CSIC (via di S. Eufemia 13 in Rome). Everyone attending this event in-person must pre-register sending an email to and will be required to present a valid Green pass and keep the face mask on while staying in the indoor EEHAR spaces. 


Wednesday 24 November

Session 0. Presentation

13.30-13.45 Antonio PIZZO (EEHAR-CSIC) Presentation

13.45-14.15 Simon PIERRE      (Sorbonne Université/Ifpo) & M.ª Ángeles UTRERO AGUDO (EEHAR-CSIC)  Introduction

Session 1. Byzantine Syria during Early Islam

14.30-15.00 Pierre-Louis GATIER (CNRS) The Issue of Church building in the Syrian and Palestinian Near  East during the 7th and 8th centuries: a Historiographical Assessment

15.00-15.30 Robert SCHICK (Universität Mainz/American Center of Research) Churches in Southern Jordan in the Early Islamic Period

15.30-16.00 Pauline PIRAUD-FOURNET (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/ArScan, UMR 7041) A Late Antique Residence in Bosra (Syria), Possibly still Occupied by a Christian Notable during the Umayyad period

16.00-16.30 Discussion

16.30-17.00 Break

17.00-17-30 Mattia GUIDETTI (Università di Bologna) The Relevance of Churches in Early Medieval Syria

17.30-18.00 Mathilde BOUDIER (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) The Christians of Damascus and their Churches       in the 9th century

18.00-18.30 Discussion


Thursday 25 November

Session 2. Ex-Sasanian Churches in the Islamic East

09.30-10.00 Françoise BRIQUEL-CHATONNET (CNRS) Remarks on the Building of Churches in Late Antiquity: the Syriac World

10.00-10.30 Julie BONNERIC (Ifpo) The Churches of Iraq and the Gulf at the Turn of Islam: Chronological, Spatial and Functional Analyses

10.30-11.00 Discussion

11.00-11.30 Break

11.30-12.00 Narmin ALI (Erbil University) & Simon BRELAUD (UC Berkeley) Bazyan and other Northern Meso potamian churches in Late Sasanian-Early Islamic periods

12.00-12.30 Armen KAZARYAN (NIITIAG, Moscow) Armenian Architecture during Arabic Occupation, mid 7th– early 10th century: Possibilities and Ways of Development

12.30-13.00 Discussion

Session 3. From the Visigoths to the Umayyads: A Christian Al-Andalus

14.30-15.00 Ángeles UTRERO AGUDO (EEHAR-CSIC) Beyond 711: Building and afterlife of Churches in al- Andalus

15.00-15.30 Jesús LORENZO (University of the Basque Country) The Christian Church under the Islamic Rule in al-Andalus Bishoprics and Monasteries in Light of the Written Texts



15.30-16.00 Alejandro VILLA DEL CASTILLO (Independent Researcher) Ornamenting Churches under Muslim              Rule: Christian Sculptural Production in al-Andalus

16.00-16.30 Discussion

16.30-16.45 Break

Session 4. Northern Mesopotamia: Neither Byzantine nor Islamic?

16.45-17.15 Philip WOOD (Aga Khan University) Creating new Churches and Monasteries in Northern Mesopotamia from the Seventh to Ninth Centuries

17.15-17.45 Elif KESER-KAYAALP (Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi) Building/Rebuilding Churches in Northern Mesopotamia in the Early Islamic period

17.45-18.15 Simon PIERRE (Sorbonne Université/Ifpo) Confronting Early Islamic Law? Building New Churches  in the Syrian Orthodox world

18.15-18.45 Discussion


Friday 26 November

Session 5. Northern Africa from Rome to the Fatimids

09.00-09.30 Audrey DRIDI (Sorbonne Université) Building Churches at the Beginning of Islam: the Case of      al-Fusṭāṭ first Christian Places of Worship

09.30-10.00 Anna LEONE (Durham University) & Hafed ABDOULI (Université de Sfax) Christianity and the Fate  of Christian Monuments in the Maghreb from the 8th to the 11th c.

10.00-10.30 Lucia ARCIFA (Università di Catania) & Michelangelo MESSINA (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/ UNICT) Monasteries and Religious Institutions in the Arab-Byzantine Frontier of Eastern Sicily: a New Agenda

10.30-11.00 Discussion

11.00-11.15 Break

Session 6. Palestine and Arabia under the Umayyads and the Abbasids

11.15-11.45 Anne MICHEL (Université de Bordeaux Montaigne) Building, Embellishing, Renovating, Reusing:    What Becoming for Christian Buildings of Worship in Jordan in the First Centuries of Islam?

11.45-12.15 Piero GILENTO (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/ArScan) Churches in North-Eastern Jordan in Early Islam. Revision of Material Sources and New Research Perspectives

12.15-12.45 Daniel REYNOLDS (University of Birmingham) Beyond Continuity: Christians in Early Islamic  Palestine, c. 750-950

12.45-13.15 Discussion

13.15-13-30 Final conclusions and closing


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