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[Histport] 54º Seminário de Estudos Árabes

To :   "archport" <>, "museum" <>, "histport" <>, "porras" <>
Subject :   [Histport] 54º Seminário de Estudos Árabes
From :   José d'Encarnação <>
Date :   Mon, 10 Feb 2020 15:04:54 -0000

News about the forthcoming 54th Seminar of Arabian Studies, celebrated for the first time in Casa Arabe in Cordoba (Spain), between Wednesday 15th July and Saturday 18th July 2020.

Please find attached a poster of the event, besides a link to a website where there is full information about the event:

Should you have any questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact me at


With all best wishes,


Jose C. Carvajal Lopez

Lecturer in Historical Archaeology

University of Leicester


On behalf of the Seminar of Arabian Studies


Attachment: SAS2020 - Poster_PORTUGUÊS_final.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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