Labour Transformations: From Liberalism to Corporatism (1850-1945)
5th Annual Meeting NETCOR
University of Évora - 30 June to 2 July 2020
Four years after the foundation of
NETCOR at NOVA FCSH, in Lisbon, and after four meetings in recent years in several research centres that founded this network, in Europe and Brazil, the 5th NETCOR annual meeting is held in Évora.
This annual meeting has a program of excellence, with keynote speakers from around the world, on the theme "Labour Transformations. From Liberalism to Corporatism (1850-1945)”.
It is intended to debate theoretical and empirical explanations of the changing nature of work organization and labour regimes in the contemporary era, and to stimulate the treatment
of the preferences of historical agents, political and economic exchanges and the results of these exchanges, such as rules and norms of behaviour, decision-making and policy-making processes, in order to rethink the history of the “corporate revolution”,
as well as that of labour normativity and that of work organization.
Researchers, teachers and students from different scientific areas and geographic zones of the globe meet to present papers, prepare project applications for funds from European
agencies and Third Countries, and deepen their involvement in this scientific network for three days, enjoying the friendly atmosphere that is already a tradition of NETCOR events.
For this annual meeting, two entirely new moments in the Network dynamics are being prepared: the first Training School and the Next Knowledge session.
The Training School is provided by Professor Irene Stolzi and aims to enable young researchers to use the lexicon of labour law correctly. The exploration of the concepts will be
worked on alongside its own historical evolution. This is a way to meet the challenges identified by young researchers who explore topics on NETCOR's agenda and to wage on their greater training. Another benefit of this experience is that not only is the acquisition
of this knowledge useful for the research that they carry out, but it also enriches their citizenship experience, by mastering specialized information useful to their professional condition throughout life.
The Next Knowledge session inaugurates a presentation of explanatory posters of research projects (already approved or under construction) and of master's and doctoral theses in
progress. In this space, researchers can look for partners for new activities, signal their interest with ongoing projects or provide useful information to young researchers with ongoing theses.
Target groups:
Thematic scope:
Please send abstracts of max. 300 words and a short biographical statement (max. 50 words) to before 31 March 2020.
Languages for the Meeting: Portuguese, Spanish and English.
All abstracts will be reviewed. Notification of acceptance: 25 April 2020.
More information:
Scientific committee:
Alessio Gagliardi (Università di Bologna)
Álvaro Garrido (Universidade de Coimbra, FE)
Arkadiusz Adamczky (Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce)
Carlos Bastien (Universidade de Lisboa, ISEG)
Daniele Serapiglia (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, IHC)
Dulce Freire (Universidade de Coimbra, FE)
Gabriela Gomes (Universdad de Buenos Aires)
José Luís Cardoso (Universidade de Lisboa, ICS)
José Maria Brandão de Brito (Universidade de Lisboa, ISEG, IHC)
Irene Stolzi (Università degli studi di Firenze)
Luciano Aronne de Abreu (Pontíficia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul)
Marco Aurélio Vannuchi (Fundação Getulio Vargas)
Maria de Fátima Moura Ferreira (Universidade do Minho, ICS)
Paula Borges Santos (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, IHC)
Spirydon Ploumudis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Valerio Torreggiani (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei) |
Cartaz - Netcor.jpg
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Flyer netcor - évora.pdf
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Netcor 2020 - Labour - A keyword for the 20th century.pdf
Description: Netcor 2020 - Labour - A keyword for the 20th century.pdf
Mensagem anterior por data: [Histport] Ficheiro Epigráfico 199 | Próxima mensagem por data: [Histport] Curso online "LIDAR aplicado à investigação arqueológica. II Edição.” - Em Português |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Histport] Chamada para Simpósio | Science Diplomacy: Searching for a Deeper Past | Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Histport] Chamada para trabalhos — II Congresso NETCOR — Universidade de Évora |