pre-sale until 16-Nov-2020 / available in 17-Nov-2020
Advances in Cultural Heritage Studies, Year 2020. Contributions of the European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage, Scientific Editors: Alexandra de Carvalho Antunes, Grigor Angjeliu and Mariagrazia Bellanova
CONTRIBUTORS: Agata Lizak, Alberto Cordón, Argyri Platsa, Caroline Montero de Espinosa, Cecilia Casas, Christopher Shiell, Diego García Viana, Héctor Manuel Aliaga de Miguel, İpek Bayraktar, Irene Fogarty, Jennifer Gaeta, Laura Ligazzolo, Leanna Wigboldus, Levent Tökün, Matteo Valentini, Mohamed Amer, Núria Gascons i Cuatrecasas, Patrícia Alho, Roger P. West, Samanta Mariotti, Sara Sabatini, Sofia Alexandre Carvalho, Stella Cattaneo, Zuzana Sihelníková
Collection: HERITAGE, n. 6
ISBN: 978-989-54519-8-2
Edition: 11-2020
Publisher: MAZU PRESS
Idiom: English
Formato: 15 x 23 cm
Pages: 328
SPONSORS: Mazutech R&D; Università di Genova / Scuola di Scienze Umanistiche / Dottorato in Studio e Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Storico, Artistico-Architettonico e Ambientale
Ref.: PAT.6
PVP: 22,90€
Delivery costs: Portugal (free); other EU countries 9€; outside EU 16€
To order in English (ou en Français), please contact us:
-“Untangling the Concept of Cultural Landscapes: a Critical Review”, Irene Fogarty. Keywords: Cultural Landscapes; Heritage Discourse; World Heritage
-“Making legal protection of cultural landscape effective. Selected Polish experiences”, Agata Lizak.
Keywords: Cultural Landscape; Cultural Values; Cultural Heritage; Historic Preservation
-“Street Art: Cultural heritage and tourist dimensions”, Diego García Viana. Keywords: Cultural Heritage; Cultural Tourism; Graffiti; Street Art
-“The Mediation of Contemporary Art: Hipervincle and Artistic Residency”, Sara Sabatini. Keywords: Artistic Mediation; Artistic Residency; Artists and Public; Contemporary Art; Heritage Education; Museums
-“History and analysis of an exclusion: via Prè as a frontier in the historical centre of Genoa”, Matteo Valentini. Keywords: Criminality; Genoa historical centre; Gentrification; Redevelopment; Urban Decay
-“Cultural Identity: Concept and Heritage Review”, Mohamed Amer. Keywords: Authenticity; Cultural Heritage; Cultural Identity
-“Cultural heritage and tourism: trends, funding and best practices. A journey along 'dissonance'”, Jennifer Gaeta, Laura Ligazzolo. Keywords: Active Tourism; Cultural and Dissonant Heritage; Cultural Funding; Cultural Policies; Europe
-“Sustainable Cultural Tourism: Opportunities for Management Practices at World Heritage Sites”, Leanna Wigboldus. Keywords: Cultural Tourism; Sustainability; Tourism Management; World Heritage
-“Factors influencing community participation in management plan drafting for World Heritage Sites in Greece”, Argyri Platsa. Keywords: Community Participation; Heritage Management; Management Plan; World Heritage; Top-Down Approach
-“Interactive-relationship between Cultural Identity and Heritage Branding”, Mohamed Amer. Keywords: Cultural Identity; Heritage Marketing; Socio-economic Value
-“The gargoyles and the hydraulic system of the monastery of St. Dinis, in Odivelas”, Patrícia Alho. Keywords: Architecture; Cistercian; Gothic; Hydraulic
-“Cathedrals in Ireland – the same but different”, Christopher Shiell, Roger P. West. Keywords: Cathedrals; Heating; Ireland; Questionnaire; Thermal Comfort
-“The enhancement of Cultural Heritage in peripheral neighbourhoods of Madrid. The case of the Torre Arias Chimney”, Héctor Manuel Aliaga de Miguel. Keywords: Industrial Building, Metropolitan area; Preservation; Urban Cultural Heritage; Valorization
-“Serious Games and Archaeology: Rough Notes on Crafting Archaeological Data for Heritage Enhancement”, Samanta Mariotti. Keywords: Archaeological Data Communication; Edutainment; Game Based Learning; Heritage Enhancement; Public Engagement; Serious Games Heritage
-"Personal archives as auto/biography: (Re)constructing life narratives through personal archives", Sofia Alexandre Carvalho. Keywords: Autobiography; Life Narrative; Personal Archives
-“Mapping of the lost cultural heritage. The case study of the extinct Jewish community of Čadca”, Zuzana Sihelníková. Keywords: Buildings; Čadca; Cultural Heritage; Interactive Map; Jews; Slovakia
-“Two Case Studies: Turkey’s Approach to Cultural Property Repatriations”, İpek Bayraktar, Levent Tökün. Keywords: Art Market; Collections; Cultural Property; Repatriation; Trafficking
-“Mediating contemporary art. The case of Albisola”, Stella Cattaneo. Keywords: Albisola; Art-Mediation; Contemporary art; Engagement Strategies; Museums
- "Traditional and digital strategies toward full accessibility in the case of Cerralbo Museum-house", Alberto Cordón, Cecilia Casas,
Caroline Montero de Espinosa. Keywords: Art-therapy; Communication Strategies; Easy-To-Read; Inclusion; Museums
-“Museums and society after COVID-19: New perspectives and approaches”, Núria Gascons i Cuatrecasas. Keywords: Covid-19; Digitized Museums; Museums; Virtual Museum
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