In conversation with the editors and authors of Práticas da História
1 March, 5PM, YouTube
Twenty years after the publication of Provincializing Europe, the journal Práticas da História – Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past, has produced a special issue dedicated to Dipesh Chakrabarty’s groundbreaking book. The issue is composed of ten articles and essays by researchers from various disciplinary and geographical backgrounds, and an unpublished interview with Dipesh Chakrabarty.
The launch of this special issue will take place on 1 March 2021, at 17h00 (Lisbon Time), on the IHC’s YouTube channel, with the participation of Dipesh Chakrabarty, followed by a discussion with the editors, Marcos Cardão (CEC — University of Lisbon) and José Neves (IHC — NOVA FCSH), and other authors of the issue.
Dipesh Chakrabarty is the Lawrence A. Kimpton Distinguished Service Professor of History, South Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the College at the Department of English of the University of Chicago. His research fields are modern South Asian history and historiography; subaltern, indigenous, and minority histories; theory and history; decolonization; environmental history and climate change.
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