De seguida, em língua inglesa, a chamada de comunicações para um encontro internacional, previsto para 2 e 3 de Novembro, no Instituto de Ciências Sociais (Universidade de Lisboa), sobre a crise europeia que nunca mais acaba! Termina no próximo dia 16 o prazo para a inscrição. Overlapping crises in Europe (or a never-ending crisis) Workshop of EASA´s Europeanist Network Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa 2-3 November 2023 Keynote speakers: Susana Narotzy, Professor of Social Anthropology, Universitat de Barcelona Keith Hart, Professor of Anthropology Emeritus, Goldsmiths, University of London Paper proposals (title, affiliation and 250 words abstract): Call for Papers ends 16 June 2023 This workshop aims to examine the concept of crisis, providing a holistic perspective, and approaches crises as interconnected remerging conditions. For more than a decade, public discourse has been focused on various crises, while at the same time, social scientists are trying to analyse these phenomena – e.g., the (ongoing) financial crisis of 2008, the European migration crisis since 2015, and, more recently, the COVID-19 related sanitary crisis and the so-called housing crisis across Europe. Currently, war is ongoing in the heart of Europe, hand in hand with an energy crisis. Simultaneously, a potential food crisis is also in the horizon; and a new war between Greece and Turkey could re-establish the borders of Europe (and the European Economic Area [EEA]). The prevailing ongoing, overlapping crises (Capello 2020; Spyridakis 2013), calls for a discussion of the interweaved patterns. The 2023 EuroNet workshop invites presentations based on ethnographic research on crisis, a crisis that is not seen as an event or period of time, but as a chronic condition that creates new normalities (Knight 2019; 2021), and that is interrelated with each other. Some of the questions (but not limited to these) that we propose are: - Why the events are most of the times contextualised as a new crisis in contrast to pre-2008 ones? - How do people react to the normalisation of successive crises and adapt to them? - Did people mostly react individually or did they organise collectively to react to different crises? - Why some of these crises generated more solidarity among people? - How do people and policies relate to events happening in other EEA countries and prepared to face them at home? - To what extent did crises generated by external factors (economic, political, social and health at European level) generate internal problems – in countries, regions, cities and families? Moreover, we are interested in whether policies and governance are interconnected (or, in some cases, are not) in Europe and if these reactions and events contribute to enhancing a European identity and solidarity. The workshop is scheduled as an in-person event and all the participants should be (or become) members of EuroNet. EuroNet and EASA can also partially cover the cost of travel and accommodation for PhD students who do not have a scholarship and other researchers who prove the need for support and are EASA members. If you belong to these categories, please also send a brief statement (maximum 70 words) with your abstract describing your situation. Organisation: Patrícia Ferraz de Matos (ICS – Universidade de Lisboa) Panas Karampampas (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences) |
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