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[Museum] Call for Panels: Heritage for a Common Future/Future(s) for a Common Heritage

To :
Subject :   [Museum] Call for Panels: Heritage for a Common Future/Future(s) for a Common Heritage
From :   Inês Torres <>
Date :   Mon, 5 Dec 2022 15:17:16 +0000

Dear colleagues,

The Centre for the Humanities (CHAM) of NOVA University Lisbon and the University of the Azores invite the academic community to join the VI CHAM International Conference: Heritage for a Common Future / Future(s) for a Common Heritage, which will be held in Lisbon from 12-15 July 2023. The Call for Panels is open from 5 December 2022 to 13 January 2023.

The Covid-19 pandemic and the political and social events that marked the past few years have prompted new epistemological debates and questions about established heritage strategies and policies, which aim to achieve a shared global heritage aligned with the sustainable development goals of the UN 2030 agenda.

The VI CHAM International Conference wants to provide the space for scholars to reflect together, to contribute to the creation of proposals that invite us to consider alternative scenarios, and to create new visions and futures for a common heritage.

We welcome contributions for panels, papers and posters on ongoing academic research, fieldwork, and community-based projects, related, but not limited, to the following themes:

- Patrimonialization/Heritagization; Challenges, Discourses and Heritage Policies
- Heritage practices; Heritage management; Conservation, restoration and sustainability
- Destroyed heritage and vulnerable heritage; Heritage actors and stakeholders
- Mediation and management of publics; Heritage communication
- Accessibility (marginalized publics, subordination of heritage; heritage in the diaspora)
- Heritage and identities; Re-signification, revisionism and postcolonial discourses; Banalization of heritage
- Epistemological and research challenges in heritage; Networks of heritage researchers and research; citizen science
- Heritage training/skills profile; interdisciplinarities and challenges to academic and vocational education
- New heritage and new forms of curatorship
- Cultural tourism and heritage
- National and international strategic challenges to the UN SDG; Digital transition; Citizen participation
- Debates in heritage related research: Concepts in transformation (museums, archives, libraries); Climate and environmental challenges

We are currently accepting panel proposals. All proposals should be in English and must include the following information:

Name of the Author(s)
Title (160 characters)
Abstract (maximum 350 words)
3-5 keywords
Thematic line addressed by the proposal (by order of relevance)
Short biography (maximum 150 words)

Panel proposals can be submitted on the conference website until 13 January 2023: If you have any questions, please email us at

Best wishes,
The Organizing Committee,

Carla Alferes Pinto (CHAM – NOVA FCSH)
Mariana Amabile Boscariol (CHAM – NOVA FCSH)
Paula Ochôa (CHAM – NOVA FCSH)
Isabel Soares de Albergaria (CHAM – UAc)
Isabel Araújo Branco (CHAM – NOVA FCSH)
Fabio Tononi (CHAM – NOVA FCSH)
Inês Torres (CHAM – NOVA FCSH)


Dr. Inês Torres, PhD

Bolseira de Investigação Pós-Doutoral e Investigadora Integrada / Postdoctoral Fellow and Researcher

CHAM - Centro de Humanidades / CHAM - Centre for the Humanities

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas / School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Universidade Nova de Lisboa / Nova University Lisbon

CHAM — Centro de Humanidades / CHAM — Centre for the Humanities

Localização: Colégio Almada Negreiros (CAN), Sala 330 | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa — Campus de Campolide
Endereço postal: Av. de Berna, 26 C | 1069-061 Lisboa | Portugal
Telefone: (00351) 918832021 | |

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