Dear Members of the THedu Interest Group, As a contribution to the subject "THedu future" this is a specific call, ===================================== Call for Papers: Post-proceedings for eduTPS [1] at CADGME [2] "Theorem-Proving (TP) Technologies in Maths Education" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ as a Special Issue of eJMT [3] Submission of max. 16 pages (see [1]) to Deadline: 15.Sep.2012 Notification of acceptance: 22.Oct.2012 ===================================== limited to THedu members: there is valuable work in our group, which should not be missed in the first special issue addressing educators --- the publication is meant as a "pedagogical relative" to [4], where the latter addresses technology experts. Imho the call is related to "THedu's future", because rejection of Deducation brought to light, that TP is not at all known in the community of educational stakeholders. eduTP was a success in promoting TP into the latter community; there are several people waiting for the post-proceedings now. So your contribution will increase the renownedness of TP in the field of education -- promoting mutual understanding between _TH_eorem proving and _edu_cation ! With kind regards, Walther [1] [2] [3] [4] |
Mensagem anterior por data: Re: [Thedu] THedu future | Próxima mensagem por data: [Thedu] THedu "green paper" for CAME |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: Re: [Thedu] THedu future | Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Thedu] THedu "green paper" for CAME |