[ThEdu] ThEdu'19 at CADE
Dear Members of the ThEdu Interest Group
I just received from João Marcos (CADE27 local organization) the following message:
At the end of August next year we will organize in Natal, Brazil, the 2019 edition of CADE (http://cadeinc.org/), which is a conference of
possible interest to you and your colleagues.
In 2015 I have been at the organizing committee of the 4th International Conference on Tools for Teaching Logic, that happened in Rennes, France (http://ttl2015.irisa.fr/). Since then I have been often put under pressure by my colleagues who initiated the TTL series (María Manzano and Antonia Huertas) to organize the next TTL in Natal. I am now considering to propose it to happen at the same period and place as CADE, to save on organizational efforts.
Given that ThEdu has a sizable intersection of interests with TTL, I wondered then if the ThEdu Board would be interested in the idea of having its 2019 edition happening in Natal, in August next year. In fact, I note that ThEdu is already collocated with CADE in their respective 2018 editions.
Useful information for our ThEdu'18 business meeting, the continuation of the co-location with CADE seems something to pursue and the proximity with the conference TTL can also be very interesting.
So... next July in Oxford (!!!) and August 2019 in Natal (!?!?!?).
CADGME 2018, Conference on Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education, 2018 Coimbra, Portugal
ThEdu'18, 7th International Workshop on Theorem proving components for Educational software, July 2018, Oxford, UK (at FLOC 2018)
ADG 2018, The 12th International Conference on Automated Deduction in Geometry, Nanning, China, September 11-14, 2018
At\'e breve;Deica Logo;\`A bient\^ot;See you later;Vidimo se;A tra poco;Do zobaczenia
Professor Auxiliar Pedro Quaresma
Mathematics Departament, Science and Technology Faculty
University of Coimbra
Elec. mail: pedro@mat.uc.pt
webpage: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~pedro/
phone: +351 239 791 137; fax: +351 239 832 568