Dear ThEduers.
ThEdu'21 day, 11 July 2021, is approaching fast.
The CADE 28 registration procedure is now open, please visit the
CADE page to register.
"Regular participant" - if you want to participate in the main conference + workshops + tutorials
"Workshop and Tutorials only" - if you do not want to attend the main conference.
ThEdu’21, Theorem Proving Components for Educational Software Programme — 11 July 2021 All sessions (except the Welcome session) are in ZoomRoom 1 (more info about that as soon as possible). All time-slots for presentations assume a 10min final slot for Q&A. All times in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT/USA) (+6 CEST) 07:45-08:00 --- Welcome and Announcements --- Location: ZoomLobby 08:00-10:00 --- ATPs in Geometry 8:00–8:30 Towards Next Step Guidance in Triangle Construction Problems Vesna Marinković and Filip Maric 8:30–9:00 Four Geometry Problems to Introduce Automated Deduction in Secondary Schools Pedro Quaresma and Carlos Reis, 9:00–9:30 Symbolic comparison of geometric quantities in GeoGebra Zoltán Kovács and Robert Vajda 9:30–10:10 Prooftoys: a proof assistant for beginners (Demonstration) Crispin Perdue 10:10-10:30 --- Coffee Break 10:30-12:00 --- ATPs in Geometry & Isabelle, in Education and Accessible 10:30–11:00 Automated Discovery of Geometrical Theorems in GeoGebra Zoltán Kovács and Jonathan H. Yu 11:00–11:30 Teaching Intuitionistic Propositional Logic Using Isabelle Jørgen Villadsen, Asta Halkjær From and Patrick Blackburn 11:30–12:00 Make Isabelle Accessible! Walther Neuper, Klaus Miesenberger, Bernhard Stöger and Reinhard Koutny 12:00-12:30 --- Lunch Break 12:30-14:00 --- Automated Deduction Educational Applications 12:00–12:30 Learning Theorem Proving by Example — Implementing JavaRes Adam Pease and Stephan Schulz 13:00–13:30 Evolution of SASyLF 2008-2021 John Boyland 13:30–14:00 A drag-and-drop proof tactic Pablo Donato, Benjamin Werner and Pierre-Yves Strub 14:00-14:20 --- Coffee Break 14:20-16:10 --- Invited Talk & Automated Deduction Educational Applications 14:20–15:10 Invited Talk — How can we make formal proof teachable? Gilles Dowek 15:10–15:40 Automated Grading of Automata with ACL2s Ankit Kumar, Andrew Walter and Panagiotis Manolios 15:40–16:10 Automated Instantiation of Control Flow Tracing Exercises Clemens Eisenhofer and Martin Riener
-- At\'e breve;Deica Logo;\`A bient\^ot;See you later;Vidimo se;A tra poco;Do zobaczenia Professor Pedro Quaresma Mathematics Departament, Science and Technology Faculty University of Coimbra P-3001-454 COIMBRA, PORTUGAL Elec. mail: webpage: phone: +351 239 791 137; fax: +351 239 832 568
Mensagem anterior por data: [ThEdu] ThEdu'21 news | Próxima mensagem por data: [ThEdu] ThEdu'21 registration |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [ThEdu] ThEdu'21 at CADE28 !!! | Próxima mensagem por assunto: [ThEdu] ThEdu21/EPTCS |