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[ThEdu] ThEdu'24 - Proceedings

To :
Subject :   [ThEdu] ThEdu'24 - Proceedings
From :   Pedro Quaresma <>
Date :   Thu, 4 Jul 2024 11:40:27 +0100

Dear ThEduers

Below the open cfp for the proceedings for ThEdu'24 at EPTCS (we still have to apply, but we do not foresee any problem in that).

All the authors of submissions to the workshop are strongly invited to submit to the proceedings, alongside with all that can see this as a good opportunity to publish your last pieces of research.


Julien Narboux

Walther Neuper

Pedro Quaresma


                         Open Call for Papers
                        Proceedings for ThEdu'24
            Theorem Proving Components for Educational Software
                        to be published by EPTCS,
           Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science


The workshop ThEdu'24 happened on 1-2 of July, 2024, as a satellite
event of IJCAR2024. It was a very lively meeting. The programme was
comprised of one invited talk, by Jeremy Avigad, Carnegie Mellon
University, USA as well as fourteen regular contributions, whose
abstracts and presentations may be found in the workshop's webpage.

Now the proceedings are being planned, intending to collect full
versions of the contributed papers, as well as new contributions.
The contributions' range of topics is diverse, according to ThEdu's
scope, and this is a call for papers, open to everyone, also those
who did not participate in the workshop. All papers will undergo
reviewing according to the EPTCS standards.

ThEdu'24 Scope:

  Computer Theorem Proving is becoming a paradigm as well as a
  technological base for a new generation of educational software in
  science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The workshop
  brings together experts in automated deduction with experts in
  education in order to further clarify the shape of the new software
  generation and to discuss existing systems.

Topics of interest include:

   *  Mechanical reasoning applied to generating exercises, checking
      students’ input or bringing feedback (next-step guidance,
      counter-examples finding, ...).
   * Interactive and automated theorem provers designed or adapted for
   * Combination of symbolic and non-symbolic artificial intelligence
     methods for the teaching and learning of mathematics.
   * Design of libraries of statements and/or formal proofs for use in
     educational systems.
   * Graphical or textual user interfaces for theorem provers adapted
    or designed for use in the classroom.
   * Automatic and interactive theorem prover with natural language
     input or output.
   * Integration of interactive and automated theorem proving with
     dynamic geometry software.
   * Evaluation of the impact of the use of these systems on teaching,
     student learning and student perception of proofs.
   * Experience reports about the use of mechanical reasoning systems
     for teaching.

Important Dates

   * Submission (Full Papers): 27 October 2024
   * Notification of acceptance: 24 November 2024
   * Revised papers due: 5 January 2025


  We welcome submission of full papers (12--20 pages, excluding
  bibliographic references and appendix) presenting original
  unpublished work which is not being submitted for publication
  elsewhere. If relevant, submissions are expected to be accompanied
  by an open access repository, containing the relevant pieces of data
  such as the source files of the implementation for software,
  formalizations in a proof assistant, or survey results.

  All contributions will be reviewed (at least three blind reviews) to
  meet the high standards of EPTCS.

  The author should comply with the EPTCS's "instructions for authors"
  (, and accept the "Non-exclusive license to distribute"
  ( and use the EPTCS's "LaTeX Style"

  Papers should be submitted via EasyChair,

Program Committee

  João Marcos, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
  Filip Marić, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  Julien Narboux, University of Strasbourg, France (co-chair)
  Walther Neuper, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria (co-chair)
  Pedro Quaresma, University of Coimbra, Portugal (co-chair)
  Philppe R. Richard, University of Montréal, Canada
  Vanda Santos, University of Aveiro, Portugal
  Anders Schlichtkrull, Aalborg University, Denmark
  Wolfgang Schreiner, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
  Athina Thoma, University of Southampton, UK
  M. Pilar Vélez, Nebrija University, Spain
  Jørgen Villadsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  Kitty Yan, University of Toronto, Canada


At\'e breve;Deica Logo;\`A bient\^ot;See you later;Vidimo se;A tra poco;Do zobaczenia

Professor Pedro Quaresma
Mathematics Departament, Science and Technology Faculty
University of Coimbra
Elec. mail:
phone: +351 239 791 137; fax: +351 239 832 568

Mensagem anterior por data: [ThEdu] photos of ThEdu'24
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [ThEdu] ThEdu'24 2nd call for papers Próxima mensagem por assunto: [ThEdu] ThEdu 2nd cfp