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[Archport] Divulgação

•   To: alsantos@ci.uc.pt
•   Subject: [Archport] Divulgação
•   From: Ana Luisa Santos <alsantos@antrop.uc.pt>
•   Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 18:39:57 +0000


Polynesian physical adaptation to their environment

George Dias
Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology, University of Otago, New Zealand
24 de Março de 2004 - 14h
Anfiteatro I do Departamento de Antropologia

Resumo The physical form of first New Zealanders closely resembles that of other prehistoric Polynesians. These first New Zealanders had a distinctive physical form. Generally they were tall, robust people with proportionally shorter legs longer arms than most Europeans. They had large high vaulted heads with a distinctive jaw form and a vertical face in profile.
Houghton has proposed that the body form and size of Polynesians reflect an adaptation to a cool and wet marine environment, which he argues is the principle environment of Polynesia. 
We further argue that these first New Zealanders (prehistoric Maori and Moriori) had a comparatively high threshold to cold because of a reduced number of sensory receptors present in skin.
This adaptation meant that small fluctuations of external environmental temperature would not have stimulated heat-producing mechanisms.
Reduced heat production conserved vitally important body energy stores and gave individuals with this adaptation a selective advantage, particularly when food was at a premium. 
However, quite apart from energy conservation, reduced skin sensitivity to cold and moderate temperature changes would have made them less uncomfortable and able to tolerate the cool and wet environment of southern New Zealand and the Chatham Islands.

Departamento de Antropologia
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra

Centro de Investigação em Antropologia (FCTUC)

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