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[Archport] CEFYP

•   To: "archport" <archport@list-serv.ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [Archport] CEFYP
•   From: "José d'Encarnação" <jde@fl.uc.pt>
•   Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 20:37:43 -0000

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jose d'Encarnação" <jde@csbradio.com>
To: "archport" <archport@list-serv.ci.uc.pt>
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 1:04 PM
Subject: CEFYP

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ana Margarida Costa Arruda dos Santos Gonçalves"
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 2:07 PM
Subject: RE: CEFYP

VI th Congress of Phoenician Punic Studies

Call For Papers

The VI th Congress of Phoenician Punic Studies will take place from
26.09.2005 - 1.10.2005, in Lisbon.
Faculdade de Letras. Cidade Universitária.

The VI th Congress of Phoenician Punic Studies aims at bringing together
scholars interested in Punic and Phoenician phenomena. We
want that the congress be characterized by a lively exchange in many small
groups, rather than by formal plenary sessions. The
conference welcomes papers and sessions on any topic.

Nevertheless, we think organized classic session, but other types of
presentations, like posters and round table sessions, are

1. Registration procedure
All congress participants (paper; round table or poster proposal) are
required to register. When you have pre-registered we will
send you information on final registration, payment and accommodation. The
pre-registration form should include an abstract (200 -
300 words) of the proposed paper.

2.Acceptance of papers
Please send your pre-registered form (to the e.mail: 6congresso@fl.ul.pt
<mailto:6congresso@fl.ul.pt> ) as soon as possible, but
before February l, 2005 at the latest. No individual should present more
than one paper. However, individuals can present a second
paper if they are participant in a roundtable. Notification of acceptances
will occur by March 1 2005. All accepted participants are
required to handle their final registration and payment before April 1 2005.
Your proposal will not appear in the final program
unless you have handled your final registration and payment before that
Abstracts that are sent in through the electronic form will be available on
the Internet with the program.

3. Types of sessions

3.1. Round tables sessions

Gather five or eight speakers who each will present a paper on a related
topic and a moderator who will introduce the discussion
with a prepared comment on the papers. Confirm participation and
arrangements with these individuals the (date of) exchange of
papers and the way the session will be conducted.
Submit the proposal for a round table session with the pre-registration form
for each individual speaker. The deadline for this is
February 1, 2005, but please send your form as early as possible.

3.2. Plenary sessions
Plenary sessions consist on the presentation of papers (15 minutes),
followed by general discussion.

3.3. Posters sessions
Posters are accepted and a poster session will be held. All of them will be
published in the Procedure, the same way as the others

4. Publication
The papers given at the Congress will be published in a refereed volume.
Authors are encouraged to submit their papers two month
after the Congress. Details will be announced later.

5. Payment of fees
The Congress fee does not include meals or hotel accommodation. Participants
will receive information on hotel accommodation when
are informed about acceptance of their proposal.

Payment in advance
Payment on location
Full fee
Euro 150
Euro 200
Special student fee
Euro 50
Euro 100

The large majority of the participants will be contributing to the Congress
as a paper author, or as a round table organizer.
Therefore we cannot - regrettably - afford to waive the Congress fee for
those of us who are a contributing to the organization. In
other words, every participant will have to pay the Congress fee.

The Congress fee does not include meals or hotel accommodation. Participants
will receive information on hotel accommodation when
they are informed about the acceptance of their proposal.

6. Practical advices
The Congress sessions will be held at the Faculdade de Letras da
Universidade de Lisboa. Alameda da Universidade. Cidade

Oral presentation (all European languages accepted, in priority: Portuguese,
Spanish, English, French, German, Italian) could
incorporate transparencies, slides and PowerPoint presentations; however, a
preference will be given to the PowerPoint

Posters should have a maximum size of DIN (841 X 1189 mm) in a vertical
portrait set-up. Posters should be arranged during the
reception, and they will be on display during the whole congress. A special
session poster has been scheduled and the authors are
kindly request to be by their posters in order to facilitate de discussion.

E.mail Congress secretariat: 6congresso@fl.ul.pt
Address: Ana Margarida Arruda. UNIARQ. Faculdade de Letras. Universidade de
Lisboa. Alameda da Universidade. 1600-214 Lisboa.

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